Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Tuesday, September 30th

Words of the Day
7:25am: Eliminate
12:20pm: Find
5:20pm: Describe
8:20pm: Catch

Song of the Day: Paradise by the Dashboard Lights


Mr ABC said...

7:25 Word - Eliminate

Good Morning everyone!

Helping1000 said...

Good morning mr abc and all :)

Rosey said...

12:20 Word is find.

Enjoy your day all.

poohbear76 said...

Song of the Day: "Paradise by the Dashboard Lights"

Mr ABC said...

5:20 Word - Describe

Unknown said...

Events and Presales - The Ticket for 250 points.

Mr ABC said...

8:20 Word - Catch

Rosey said...

Thanks for all the codes today.
