Saturday, September 20, 2008

Saturday, September 20th

Word of the Day
11:20am: sack

Whig Code: queens

Woodstock Bonus code weekend
6am wonderland
7am sinking
8am festival
9am free
10am boat
11am garth
12pm easy
1pm uncle
2pm generation
3pm los angeles
4pm marrakesh
5pm river
6pm pepper
7pm spanish
8pm road
9pm tommy
10pm hendrix
11pm thanksgiving


Helping1000 said...

Morning all :)

7am code: sinking
8am code: festival

Lord_Stanley said...

G'Day helping1000, let's all go to the sinking festival. :o)

Mr ABC said...

Sorry folks woke up around six but fell back asleep

Helping1000 said...


Mr ABC said...

9:00 word - free

Lord_Stanley said...

9:00 am code- free

Helping1000 said...

9am code: free

Lord_Stanley said...

No worries mr abc, I'm still asleep. :o)

Mr ABC said...


how are things going? Did you get to bluesfest in Ottawa?

Helping1000 said...

@mr abc
things are doing ok, tks, yes i made it to bluesfest i was a volunteer, i was there almost everyday, great concerts and huge crowds.. i am short and can get lost in the crowd very easily.. LOL

did you make it there also?

Helping1000 said...

10am code: boat

Lord_Stanley said...


I hope you're not that short, like at armpit level, that would be horrible. :o)

Mr ABC said...


My youngest daughter and I went up 9 out of 12 days. My wife and other daughter went 8 times. Lots of driving but we enjoyed it.

helping_Sis said...

6am - wonderland

Helping1000 said...

i am five feet tall (lol)
depending on how tall someone is will depend if i am arm pit height... hahaha

Lord_Stanley said...

11:00 am codiddlyode- garth

Helping1000 said...

11am code: garth

helping_Sis said...

11am - garth

Helping1000 said...

@mr abc
i cant wait until next year :)

helping_Sis said...

Hi sis!!! :)

Lord_Stanley said...

11:20 am word- sack

Lord_Stanley said...


Wow, are you ever tiny. Is helping_sis your sister, is she a weeny one too? :o)

helping_Sis said...

Yes I am!!! lol

Lord_Stanley said...


You're sisters, or you're weeny? :o)

helping_Sis said...

We're sisters and I am also short!!! lol

Lord_Stanley said...


So cool, how short are you?

Lord_Stanley said...

12:00 pm code- easy

Helping1000 said...

hi there :)

@lord stanley
sis is shorter than me if you can imagine that.. lol

Lord_Stanley said...


Thank you, now all we need are 5 more and you can all sing, "Hi Ho Hi Ho, it's off to work we go".

J/K lol :o)

Lord_Stanley said...

@the helping sisters

Is that true good things come in small packages?

Lord_Stanley said...

1:00 pm code- uncle

Lord_Stanley said...

2:00 pm code- generation

Spike said...

Whig Code: queens

Helping1000 said...

lol, well on that note i should say i am off to work shortly.. hehehe

have a great night all :)

latte said...

4pm code Marakesh

granny said...

5 pm code is "river" did anyone catch 3 pm ?

granny said...

6 pm "pepper"

latte said...

7pm code spanish

Lord_Stanley said...

8:00 pm code- road

Mexicannie said...

Just an update on the 4 pm code - correct spelling is marrakesh

helping_Sis said...

Thank you!! :)

Mexicannie said...

No problem, Helping Sis - thank you for this blog and to everyone for the codes. I try to enter when I can but others seem to beat me to it. Keep up the good work everyone! And thanks again!

helping_Sis said...

3pm - los angeles

Lord_Stanley said...


How did you get the 3pm code, do you have a wicked time delay on your radio? :o)

Lord_Stanley said...

9:00 pm song- tommy

helping_Sis said...

I'll never tell....LOL

helping_Sis said...

I got the 6am too.....I guess I never sleep either LOL.... :)

Lord_Stanley said...


You're on your very own magical mystery tour, through space and time. You're scaring me shorty! :o)

helping_Sis said...

LOL...I guess I'm doing a good job then... hehehehehe

Lord_Stanley said...


It's not wise to scare a big, heavy silver cup. I just might not ever come to YOUR town. ;o)

Lord_Stanley said...

10:00 pm code- hendrix

Lord_Stanley said...

I think I'm taller than both helping and sis, and I'm just a cup. ;o)

Lord_Stanley said...

11:00 pm code- thanksgiving