Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sunday, September 14th

Word of the Day
11:20am: fare

Misheard Lyrics Bonus code weekend
6am spiritsinthematerialworld
7am flybynight
8am runningdownadream
9am bohemianrhapsody
10am stairwaytoheaven
11am dirtydeedsdonedirtcheap
12pm badmoonrising
1pm blindedbythelight
2pm tinydancer
3pm subterraneanhomesickblues
4pm coveroftherollingstone
5pm eminencefront
1st tri-pod song - makeitwitchu
2nd tri-pod song - rockthecasbah (says invalid code)
3rd tri-pod song - scartissue
8pm yellowledbetter
9pm creep
10pm startmeup
11pm heartshapedbox

Listen to Top 20 countdown between 6pm-8pm today to catch the theme for the tri-pod word (each song is worth 500pts, the clues to figure out the word are as follows:

1st tri-pod song: "Make It Wit Chu" by Queens Of The Stone Age
2nd tri-pod song: "Rock The Casbah" by The Clash
3rd tri-pod song: "Scar Tissue" by Red Hot Chili Peppers

Tri-pod word: misheard


Lord_Stanley said...

6:00 am song- spiritsinthematerialworld

Lord_Stanley said...

7:00 am song- flybynight

Moose said...

8:00 am -RunningDownADream

Lord_Stanley said...

9:00 am song- bohemianrhapsody

Lord_Stanley said...

10:00 am song- stairwaytoheaven

Lord_Stanley said...

11:00 am song- dirtydeedsdonedirtcheap

Lord_Stanley said...

11:20 am word- fare

Unknown said...

11:00 - DirtyDeedsDoneDirtCheap

helping_Sis said...

Good morning everybody!!

Lord_Stanley said...

12:00 pm song- badmoonrising

Lord_Stanley said...

G'Day helping_sis. :o)

Lord_Stanley said...
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Lord_Stanley said...

1:00 pm song- blindedbythelight

Rosey said...

Good morning Helping.

Are You Ready For Some Football?

In your case are you ready for some ROCKY!


Lord_Stanley said...

2:00 pm song- tinydancer

Lord_Stanley said...

3:00 pm song- subterraneanhomesickblues

puppylove said...

4:00 song coveroftherollingstone

Curtis 'Loew said...

5pm ??

Unknown said...

6pm - MakeItWitChu

Unknown said...

@ curtis ?? doesn't work for me - is it case sensitive??

puppylove said...

I've tried a couple of songs

american woman - already played

under my wheels - no longer available

Angel said...

8pm song: yellowledbetter

rob said...

misheard is the tri pod word

rob said...

Runnin' Wild by Airbourne
...anyone else think the intro to this song...and chorus..sounds alot like judis priest song (you got another thing commin)...:)

Lord_Stanley said...

9:00 pm song- creep

rob said...

9pm song creep

Lord_Stanley said...

Anyone get the 5pm?

Unknown said...

7:44 song - ScarTissue

helping_Sis said...

Sorry about that I was out all day...

Not much into football, I love my hockey!!!! No Rocky this weekend, now it's Charles Bronson... :(

Good day to you too.. :) said...

5pm song-eminencefront

mike said...

5:00 song EminenceFront

Mexicannie said...

It must just be working - I tried every song played between 5 and 6 and each time I got "invalid code" "already been played" or "no longer available"

Lord_Stanley said...

10:00 pm song- startmeup

Lord_Stanley said...

I wrote to K-Rock and asked them to reset the 5pm song, that's why it's working now. :o)

helping_Sis said...

Did anybody get the second tri-pod song or did I miss something..

Canajun said...

2nd tripod - rockthekasbah

spelled differently then whats listed but works!


Lord_Stanley said...

7:00 pm song '2nd Tri-Pod'- rockthecasbah by The Clash

2nd tri-pod song:

"Rock The Casbah" by The Clash

unfortunately not working
there you go sis :o)

Lord_Stanley said...

Thanx Canajun

Now why don't people just post it earlier instead of waiting to the end? I went away for a few hours and everything fell apart. Guess I won't be getting anymore sleep if this keeps up. :o)

helping_Sis said...

@canajun and lord_stanley
Thank you.... :)

I usually hear the tri-pod songs but today I was out for most of the day....guess I should stay home...LOL

Lord_Stanley said...

11:00 pm song- heartshapedbox

Unknown said...

11pm song - heartshapedbox

Lord_Stanley said...


we'll become shut-ins with no sleep so everyone else can scoop up the points. I don't mind doing this, but if I disappear for a while, sometimes no one fills in the missing blanks and it becomes a cluster-f*ck at the end of the night. :o)

helping_Sis said...

Well we can only do what we can do....LOL

As for people scooping up the points, that's what the blog is all about.... ;)

helping_Sis said...

Good night everybody!!! I hope you all have a great Monday tomorrow!!! :)

Lord_Stanley said...


True, but if they have the time to scoop, they should make the time to add some poop. lol

Good night

Angel said...
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Rosey said...

Not much help on Sunday football day. I did manage to only get 2 wrong in the Krock football pool.

Thanks for sishing all the poop Stanley