Sunday, September 7, 2008

Sunday, September 7th

Word of the Day
11:20am: Metro

Back To The Grind bonus code weekend
7am workingonthehighway
8am saltoftheearth
9am dontstandsoclosetome
10am billiondollarbabies
11am subdivisions
12pm maggiesfarm
1pm backonthechaingang
2pm gimmeyourmoneyplease
3pm myoldschool
4pm theauthoritysong
5pm theloadout/stay
1st tri-pod song - school
2nd tri-pod song - hotforteacher
3rd tri-pod song - anotherbrickinthewallparttwo
8pm paperbackwriter
9pm substitute
10pm bluecollar
11pm rockandrollhighschool

Listen to Top 20 countdown between 6pm-8pm today to catch the theme for the tri-pod word (each song is worth 500pts) the clues to figure out the word are as follows:

1st tri-pod song: "School" by Supertramp
2nd tri-pod song: "Hot For Teacher" by Van Halen
3rd tri-pod song: "Another Brick In The Wall Part II" by Pink Floyd

Tri-pod word: grind


Curtis 'Loew said...

7am workingonthehighway

also, from Fri.:
10pm "layinpipe" is still working

Angel said...

Good Morning everyone :)

8am song: saltoftheearth

Angel said...

9am song: dontstandsoclosetome

helping_Sis said...

Good morning everybody!!

Hi angel :)

Angel said...

Hi helping_sis :-)

Lord_Stanley said...

10:00 am song- billiondollarbabies

Lord_Stanley said...

Anyone get the 6am song?

Mr ABC said...

10 AM Song - BillionDollarBabies

Unknown said...

10:00am song - BillionDollarBabies

Mr ABC said...

Sorry Stanley only woke up ay 6:30

Mr ABC said...


How was Cheech and Chong?

Lord_Stanley said...

Cheech & Chong & Sis

helping_Sis said...
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helping_Sis said...

@mr abc
Cheech and Chong was fabulous!!! They were so funny, it was great seeing them back together again after 27 years apparently. Chong's wife was on stage first and omg, she is hilarious!!! It was a great night!!

helping_Sis said...

I think the 6am is: holdmeinyourarms but it says previously played.

Lord_Stanley said...

11:00 am song- subdivisions

Lord_Stanley said...

11:20 am word- metro

Angel said...

12pm song: maggiesfarm

Lord_Stanley said...

12:00 pm song- maggiesfarm

Lord_Stanley said...

1:00 pm song- backonthechaingang

Lord_Stanley said...

2:00 pm song- gimmeyourmoneyplease

Lord_Stanley said...

3:00 pm song- myoldschool

Lord_Stanley said...

4:00 pm song- theauthoritysong

Lord_Stanley said...

5:00 pm song- theloadout

says invalid

Angel said...

5pm song: theloadout/stay

Lord_Stanley said...


Did you check that, does it work? There's not supposed to be any punctuation in the titles.

Lord_Stanley said...

I guess it does work...well done angel. :o)

Angel said...

@lord_stanley :-)

Thanks! LOL, I didn't know there weren't supposed to be any punctuations in the titles and I love that song so I thought I'd try spelling it that way and it worked!

Lord_Stanley said...

6:00 pm song '1st Tri-Pod'- school

by Supertramp

Lord_Stanley said...

1st tri-pod song:

"School" by Supertramp

Lord_Stanley said...

7:00 pm song '2nd Tri-Pod'- hotforteacher

by Van Halen

Lord_Stanley said...

2nd tri-pod song:

"Hot For Teacher" by Van Halen

Lord_Stanley said...

'3rd Tri-Pod'- anotherbrickinthewallparttwo

by Pink Floyd

Lord_Stanley said...

3rd tri-pod song:

"Another Brick In The Wall Part II" by Pink Floyd

Lord_Stanley said...

8:00 pm song- paperbackwriter

says invalid

Lord_Stanley said...
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Lord_Stanley said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lord_Stanley said...

8:00 pm song- paperbackwriter

now working, weird

Mr ABC said...

I just enetered the word Grind and I got points. I presume that's the Tripod answer.

If someone has already mentioned this apologies

Lord_Stanley said...

Good one Mr ABC

Lord_Stanley said...

Tri-pod word: grind

compliments of mr abc

Lord_Stanley said...

9:00 pm song- substitute

Lord_Stanley said...

10:00 pm song- bluecollar

Rosey said...

10 PM Song: Blue Collar

helping_Sis said...

Well 10 hours of Rocky last weekend was too much, it may be a guy thing but now he's watching it again!!!! LOL

Lord_Stanley said...

11:00 pm song- rockandrollhighschool

Sean said...

11:00PM song - RockNRollHighSchool

I'm probably not the first since I'm listening via the internet and it's anywhere from 30 seconds to minute behind what is being broadcasted over the air. Thanks to all for the codes this weekend

Rosey said...

Helping. What can you say. I hope he at least takes out the garbage.
Sorry wasn't much help with the codes this weekend. Wifey had me doing chores and got some paperwork completed for work.

Looks like a good week to work it's calling for rain. Hope your week is still fun.

Sounds like you had fun at Cheech and Chong.
