Monday, September 1, 2008

Monday, September 1st

Word of the Day
11:20am: labour

Last Call For Summer bonus code weekend
6am lowrider
7am lifeisahighway
8am wholelottalove
9am youdontknowhowitfeels
10am jumpinjackflash
11am rockyoulikeahurricane
12pm hardtohandle
1pm dudelookslikealady
2pm tush
3pm kidswannarock
4pm sweetchildofmine
5pm wereanamericanband
6pm werenotgoingtotakeit
7pm detroitrockcity
8pm poursomesugaronme
9pm catscratchfever
10pm giveitaway
11pm epic


helping_Sis said...

7am - lifeisahighway (says previously played)

Lord_Stanley said...

6:00 am song- lowrider

Lord_Stanley said...

7:00 am song- (see helping_sis)

helping_Sis said...

8am - wholelottalove

Lord_Stanley said...

7:00 am song- lifeisahighway

fixed & working :o)

Lord_Stanley said...

G'Day helping_sis :o)

Lord_Stanley said...

Too bad yesterday's tripod word was posted at the last second, I was already gone to bed to get ready for this morning.

Lord_Stanley said...

9:00 am song- youdontknowhowitfeels

helping_Sis said...

Hi lord_stanley

I didn't see it either....I have been sick all weekend so I wasn't awake to see it.

Mr ABC said...

Tripod codes used to be available to be keyed in on Mondays?????

Lord_Stanley said...

10:00 am song- jumpinjackflash

Lord_Stanley said...


Sorry to hear that you're not well, I hope you get better soon. :o)

Lord_Stanley said...

11:00 am song- rockyoulikeahurricane

Lord_Stanley said...

11:20 am word- labour

Lord_Stanley said...

12:00 pm song- hardtohandle

helping_Sis said...

Thank you, I hope so too... :)

Lord_Stanley said...


I thought your rose looked a little stuffed up. :o)

Lord_Stanley said...

1:00 pm song- dudelookslikealady

Rosey said...

1PM song: Dudelookslikealady.

Sorry peeps for getting the Tripod posted so late. I only figured it out after 1130. I thought is was good for Monday as well.

Sorry your not feeling well helping sis. Ckicken noodle soup?


Lord_Stanley said...

2:00 pm song- tush

helping_Sis said...

lol...I wish I was stuffed up, actually I have a migraine and any noise is just killing me right now.

I love chicken noodle soup, actually I'm trying to make some homemade soup to see if that helps, all stuff from the garden.... :)

Rosey said...

Helping, do you have migraine's often. If not it sounds a lot like a sinus infection. Take a decongestant and call me in the morning!


Lord_Stanley said...

3:00 pm song- kidswannarock

Lord_Stanley said...

I think Rosey is making too much noise. Sssh. ;O)

helping_Sis said...

Not really, I have had 5 in the past 15 years, this one isn't is bad as the other 4. I think it's stress, or maybe it's cause my hubby is watching "Rocky" for the gazillionth time... ;) I really hate the rocky, die hard, jackie chan and karate kid movies....he watches them every friggin' time they are on tv even if he already has them. Oh yeah, I hate Bruce Lee too!! lol If he didn't watch them every single time they are on it wouldn't be so bad but it gets on my nerves...grrrr!! ;)

Rosey said...

Lord Stanley: That's what the girls love about're so quick at the draw!!!!'s a guy thing. Being a Wop and a kick boxer I loved Rocky. What's not to love about a short Italian beating up on bigger guys. It's inspiration. I'm sure you have talents that could sway his attention. You know natural Endorphins help reduce headaches.


PS I took my wife to see Sex and almost killed me.

helping_Sis said...


Lord_Stanley said...

4:00 pm song- sweetchildofmine

Little Erky Perky said...

5 pm song: WereAnAmericanBand

Lord_Stanley said...

5:00 pm song- wereanamericanband

Lord_Stanley said...

6:00 pm song- werenotgoingtotakeit

Lord_Stanley said...

7:00 pm song- detroitrockcity

helping_Sis said...

Well watching those movies may be a guy thing but having to watch all of them is a bit much!!!! He is now on the fifth one, I think, I lost may are there anyway???? And as for having talents that could make him stop watching them.....I have been torchered enough and I am in a fighting mood now!!!! LOL

Lord_Stanley said...

8:00 pm song- poursomesugaronme

Lord_Stanley said...

9:00 pm song- catscratchfever

Rosey said...

Ouch! He better look out. I think there are 5, but I could be wrong. Maybe you should by the Wii and you could kick your husbands ass at boxing. My girls always give me a pounding.


Lord_Stanley said...

10:00 pm song- giveitaway

Little Erky Perky said...

10 pm song: "GiveItAway

Sean said...

I've just noticed a new link in the earn points section called "quests" Anyone know what this about?

P.S. Thanks to all for the codes this weekend. Been pretty busy and away from the radio and computer

helping_Sis said...

What a great idea!!! lmao Just found out there are 6 of them....UGH!!!!!!

Lord_Stanley said...

11:00 pm song- epic