Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Tuesday, May 13th

Words of the Day
7:25am: Sprint
12:20pm: Rake
5:20pm: Trade
8:20pm: Private

Song of the Day: Beautiful Girls


Mr ABC said...

7:25 - Sprint

mr.photo said...

What To Do With Your Empties

You probably take them back to the Beer Store for a refund - good for the environment and even better for you because it’s money back in your pocket. This guy in Ottawa took it to another level - he made a solar water heater using only beer bottles and hoses!

I guess cold water flows through the bottles and is heated by the sun. It seems simple enough. He wants to build a public washroom for the people in his City, but he has to wait until he has enough beer empties. I’m sure Billy Buckles could help him out, especially after the long weekend.

Lord_Stanley said...

Good plan, but a lot of cold showers at night.

Lord_Stanley said...

12:20 pm word- rake

Mr ABC said...

12:20 Word - Rake

Little Erky Perky said...

2 pm Defining Moment: Beautiful Girls

Anonymous said...

%:20 word of the day is Trade

Lord_Stanley said...

Thanks for the early 5:20 code anonymous.

Lord_Stanley said...

For the Guitar Hero weekend, will it only be songs from the guitar hero games? Anyone hear anything about that?

Anonymous said...

Hey does anyone know if you get anything for being the K Rock Rewards Member for the week?


maxxxx said...

8:20 word: private

Little Erky Perky said...


K Rock Rewards Member for the week gets 1,000 pts and your pic
on the front page for a week.

Anonymous said...

New Head to Head in the Hood in the "Your Opinion" section - 250 pts