Saturday, May 31, 2008

Saturday, May 31st

Reminder of Event today
Gladiator Mixed Martial Arts

Join K Rock 105 7, Saturday from 1 ‘til 4 at Gladiator Mixed Martial Arts! Check out their new 5,000 square foot facility.....pick up your K-Rock Rewards bonus code... you could also walk away the winner of 1000 cash if you are the K-Rock Rewards Mystery Member!

Word of the Day
11:20am: songwriter

Whig Code: park

Songwriter bonus code weekend!
6am roadhouseblues
7am southernman
8am badmoonrising
9am hotelcalifornia
10am americanpie
11am overthehillsandfaraway
12pm sunshineofyourlove
1pm allalongthewatchtower
2pm whilemyguitargentlyweeps
3pm borntorun
4pm bohemianrhapsody
5pm messageinabottle
6pm tomsawyer
7pm gimmethreesteps
8pm comfortablynumb
9pm whoareyou
10pm imagine
11pm boldaslove


Lord_Stanley said...

Whig Code- park

Little Erky Perky said...

6 am song: RoadhouseBlues

but it does not seem to work.

Canajun said...

6am song - roadhouseblue

Although the song is actually "Roadhouse Blues", that didn't work ; however, dropping the "S" does work for the time being (until they fix it later on)

Little Erky Perky said...

Ah... gotcha,

I should have tried that, thanks.

Little Erky Perky said...

7 am song: SouthernMan

Little Erky Perky said...

8 AM song: BadMoonRising

Little Erky Perky said...

9 am song: hotelcalifornia

Lord_Stanley said...

10:00 am song- americanpie

Little Erky Perky said...

10 am song: AmericanPie

Anonymous said...

How do you guys think they do the ballots draws? Do you guys think that the more raffles ballots you have bought the better your chances actually are? Like do you think they print them out and pick one. My hubby had 189 and I had 90 for this months mortgae and know the odds and stuff, OMG, thats a lot of points gone.

Unknown said...

If you entered roadhouseblue earlier when it worked, try entering roadhouseblues now for an extra 500 points

Little Erky Perky said...

11 am song: OverTheHillsAndFarAway

Unknown said...

11:00 am - song OverTheHillsAndFarAway

Lord_Stanley said...

You won't get an extra 500pts for re-entering for a song that has already been credited for, you will get the, "Sorry, you have already blah blah blah" message.

Lord_Stanley said...

Your ballots count as exact number of ballots, if you buy 1 ballot, you have only one ballot. If you buy 189, you have 189 ballots. You rewards member name is entered into the computer 189 times, so you have 189 more chances of winning than if you bought 1 ballot. The ballots are generated through the computer and a name is drawn.

Lord_Stanley said...

11:20 am word- songwriter

Lord_Stanley said...

word of the day is worth 500pts

Little Erky Perky said...

Noon song: SunshineOfYourLove

Lord_Stanley said...

12:00 pm song- sunshineofyourlove

Unknown said...

@ lord stanley
worked for me, so unless they fixed it it doesn't hurt to try. oh yeah thanks for the wig code and all your other contributions

Points 500 Successful 5/31/2008 10:49:01 AM
Bonus Code 'ROADHOUSEBLUES' - Successful

Points 500 Successful 5/31/2008 06:21:17 AM
Bonus Code 'ROADHOUSEBLUE' - Successful

Unknown said...

and many thanks to Helping1000 and all the other contributors

Lord_Stanley said...

1:00 pm song- allalongthewatchtower

Unknown said...

1:00 pm song - AllAlongTheWatchtower

Lord_Stanley said...


If it works, that's good, more points never hurt anyone.

Lord_Stanley said...

I have to laugh every time I hear that "Kevin Bishop" Harley promo on K-Rock, he sounds like he's right out of backwoods. lol

helping_Sis said...

I just tried roadhouseblue and it doesn't work anymore.

Lord_Stanley said...

Harley with a shotgun in one saddlebag, and a banjo in the other.

Lord_Stanley said...

Alright puddytat, paws up!

Little Erky Perky said...

Okay Peeps,

I'm stepping out for a short bit. Later Gators!!

Lord_Stanley said...

2:00 pm song- whilemyguitargentlyweeps

Lord_Stanley said...

Gladiator MMA was great. You get a free T-shirt from Gladiator MMA, as well as the 1000pt ballot from K-Rock.

Mr ABC said...


That's why I hate the raffles. You have to make an effort to collect points but the raffles have "0" guarantee. The store has gotten a bit better and finally the two fitness things are gone after 5 months of being there.
The auction I think was last used at Christmas for a Tim Horton's Coffee Maker. Maybe some of the better concert tickets could hit the store or the auction (Blueman Group, George, the Hip)

Mr ABC said...

On the positive side, I think being able to spend time with bands live in Studio is really cool!

Lord_Stanley said...

3:00 pm song- borntorun

Lord_Stanley said...

4:00 pm song- bohemianrhapsody

Unknown said...

5:00 pm song - MessageInABottle

Lord_Stanley said...

6:00 pm song- tomsawyer

Lord_Stanley said...

7:00 pm song- gimmethreesteps

Lord_Stanley said...

8:00 pm song- comfortablynumb

Lord_Stanley said...

9:00 pm song- whoareyou

Lord_Stanley said...

10:00 pm song- imagine

Lord_Stanley said...

11:00 pm song- boldaslove