Sunday, May 11, 2008

Sunday, May 11th

Word of the Day
11:20am: Town
Produce Town bonus code: produce (500pts )

Bonus code weekend
6am magicman
7am myfavoritemistake
8am mamakin
9am iloverockandroll
10am heartbreaker
11am heylawdymama
12pm motherslittlehelper
1pm nosugartonightnewmothernature
2pm simpleman
3pm whenidie
4pm motherandchildreunion
5pm crazyonyou
1st tri-pod song - goodbyedaughtersoftherevolution (not working)
2nd tri-pod song - daughter
3rd tri-pod song - followyourdaughtershome (not working)
8pm mothermary
9pm mother
10pm zombie
11pm malibu

Listen to Top 20 countdown between 6pm-8pm today to catch the theme for the tri-pod word. Each song is worth 500pts. The clues to figure out the word are as follows:

1st tri-pod song: "Goodbye Daughters Of The Revolution" by Black Crowes
2nd tri-pod song: "Daughter" by Pearl Jam
3rd tri-pod song: "Follow Your Daughters Home" by Guess Who

Tri-pod word:


Anonymous said...

6am song magicman

Mr ABC said...

Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms out there!

Mr ABC said...

8:00 Song - MamaKin

Anonymous said...

I was at produce town yesterday, didn't win though...and was given the bonus code


it still works this morning and they gave everyone the same code. An extra 500 points to you all.

Mr ABC said...

9 AM Song - iloverockandroll

rip52 said...

Anyone have the 7am song

Good morning

Lord_Stanley said...

10:00 am song- heartbreaker

Lord_Stanley said...

Good day everyone
Happy Mother's Day moms

Lord_Stanley said...

11:00 am song- heylawdymama

Lord_Stanley said...

11:20 am word- town

helping_Sis said...

7am - myfavoritemistake

Lord_Stanley said...

12:00 pm song- motherslittlehelper

Lord_Stanley said...

Thank you helping sis

Lord_Stanley said...

1:00 pm song- nosugartonightnewmothernature

Lord_Stanley said...

2:00 pm song- simpleman

Little Erky Perky said...

2 pm song: SimpleMan

Little Erky Perky said...

3 pm song: WhenIDie

Little Erky Perky said...

4 pm song: MotherAndChildReunion

Little Erky Perky said...

5 pm song: CrazyOnYou

Lord_Stanley said...

daughter by Pearl Jam is on of the Tripod songs, not sure which one

Anonymous said...

7pm song is Daughter

Anonymous said...

was there no 6pm sobg

rip52 said...

8pm song MotherMary

rip52 said...

Tri pod songs
6:10 Goodbye Daughters Of The Revolution
6:34 Daughter
7:38 Follow Your Daughter Home

I could not get the first and last one to go in

Anonymous said...

8pm mothermary.... says alreaady played

Lord_Stanley said...

mothermary worked for me

Lord_Stanley said...

I think there's an error in this week's tripod.

It would seem that "daughter" is the common thread, and is the tripod word, so that's the only reason why it was the only one of the three tripod songs to actually work. So, were out 1500pts. I contacted K-Rock to inform them of the error.

Anonymous said...

9pm song is mother

Lord_Stanley said...

10:00 pm song- zombie

Lord_Stanley said...

Okay, as it stands now, K-Rock confirms that the two tri-pod songs not working are inactive, because they don't follow the weekend theme. I explained that if this were the case, they're missing the 6pm & 7pm theme songs, so either way members are out points. Also, I reiterated that it has always been that way with the entry of the tri-pod song as a bonus code was valid, up until this weekend. I haven't received a reply back yet, but I made the point that either way they go, we are still out at least 1000pts. Keep your fingers crossed.

Lord_Stanley said...

11:00 pm song- malibu

Lord_Stanley said...

It doesn't appear that K-Rock is going to bend on allowing the two tri-pod songs that didn't work, however, they are looking into the 6pm & 7pm theme songs we didn't get, so, I don't know how they're going to work it, perhaps something extra in the bonus codes this week, who knows.

Good night everyone