Word of the Day
11:20am: Victoria
Bonus code weekend
6am billiondollarbabies
7am lastchild
8am lagrange
9am ziggystardust
10am paranoid
11am sunshineofyourlove
12pm surrender
1pm smokeonthewater
2pm messageinabottle
3pm prideandjoy
4pm barkatthemoon
5pm heartshapedbox
6pm nooneknows
7pm anarchyintheuk
8pm cochise
9pm aceofspades
10pm cherubrock
11pm thenumberofthebeast
Tri-pod word: guitar hero
New Event
Livingwell.ca (100pts)
bonus code for livingwell.ca: experiences
If you choose to register on LIVINGWELL.CA, you have the opportunity to earn an additional 250 points by filling in the blank ____.
bonus code: coupons (250 pts)
Monday, May 19, 2008
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11:20 am word- Victoria
6:00 am song- billiondollarbabies
7am song LastChild
8:00 am song- lagrange
8am song LaGrange
today is Monday do they not have the words of the day
9am song ZiggyStardust
10:00 am song- paranoid
Holy my wife just went over the1,000,000 poit mark!
11 am song: SunshineOfYourLove
congrates to mrs abc
congrates to mrs abc
12:00 pm song- surrender
New Event & Presale
experiences (250)
Coupons (250)
Enjoy :)
1:00 pm song- smokeonthewater
1 pm song: SmokeOntheWater
2 pm song: MessageInABottle
2:00 pm song- messageinabottle
3:00 pm song- prideandjoy
3 pm song: PrideAndJoy
3pm song PrideAndJoy
4 pm: BarkAtTheMoon
Guitar Hero works as a bonus code now
K-Rock informed me that there was a glitch in the date, but that definitely "guitar hero" is the tri-pod word. I Got this from 2 reliable sources.
How goes the battle rip52?
5:00 pm song- heartshapedbox
6 pm song: NoOneKnows
6:00 pm song- nooneknows
Hey folks ...anyone doing Chez points I tried the word experiences there and it worked
7 pm song: AnarchyInTheUK
Is this blog capable of a "69"?
8:00 pm song- cochise
8 pm song: Cochise
Who do you think Pittsburgh will face in the finals?
Well, since no one wants to chat, I'd like the opportunity to thank you all for the pleasant company and the great help with the codes, Thank you. And a special thank you to helping1000 and helping_sis for all their hard work.
9pm song : aceofspades
10 pm song: CherubRock
10:00 pm song - CherubRock
another great weekend for points thanks to everyone
11 pm song: TheNumberOfTheBeast
11:00 pm song- thenumberofthebeast
The end to a fantastic point-filled long weekend, thanks everyone.
11pm song - TheNumberOfTheBeast
Thanks for the points guys +/- 30,000 of them ;)
11pm song TheNumberOfTheBeast
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