Thursday, May 8, 2008

Thursday, May 8th

Words of the Day
7:25am: Quantity
12:20pm: Laces
5:20pm: Revise
8:20pm: Witty

Song of the Day: Backdoor Man


Lord_Stanley said...

7:20 am word- quantity

Lord_Stanley said...

Good morning everyone

Lord_Stanley said...

Anyone want a morning coffee, there's enough in the cup, help yourself.

Lord_Stanley said...

Thank you helping1000 and helping_sis, and anyone else who restored the blog to its former status. I'm sure things will run smoothly, and hopefully we can get more bloggers in here.

Lord_Stanley said...

Another big bonus weekend is almost here, starts tomorrow at 4pm

Lord_Stanley said...

12:20 pm word- laces

Lord_Stanley said...

2:00 pm song- backdoor man

Mr ABC said...

5:20 Word - Revise

Mr ABC said...

8:20 Word - Witty