Saturday, May 31, 2008

Saturday, May 31st

Reminder of Event today
Gladiator Mixed Martial Arts

Join K Rock 105 7, Saturday from 1 ‘til 4 at Gladiator Mixed Martial Arts! Check out their new 5,000 square foot facility.....pick up your K-Rock Rewards bonus code... you could also walk away the winner of 1000 cash if you are the K-Rock Rewards Mystery Member!

Word of the Day
11:20am: songwriter

Whig Code: park

Songwriter bonus code weekend!
6am roadhouseblues
7am southernman
8am badmoonrising
9am hotelcalifornia
10am americanpie
11am overthehillsandfaraway
12pm sunshineofyourlove
1pm allalongthewatchtower
2pm whilemyguitargentlyweeps
3pm borntorun
4pm bohemianrhapsody
5pm messageinabottle
6pm tomsawyer
7pm gimmethreesteps
8pm comfortablynumb
9pm whoareyou
10pm imagine
11pm boldaslove

Friday, May 30, 2008

Friday, May 30th

Words of the Day
7:25am: Boat
12:20pm: Handles
5:20pm: Good
8:20pm: Band

Song of the Day: Rocket Man

Songwriter bonus code weekend!
4pm thetimestheyareachangin
5pm strawberryfields
6pm eventhelosers
7pm spaceoddity
8pm smellsliketeenspirit
9pm turnthepage
10pm theweight

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Thursday, May 29th

Words of the Day
7:25am: Tents
12:20pm: Position
5:20pm: Packer
8:20pm: Jones

Song of the Day: The Wizard

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Wednesday, May 28th

Words of the Day
7:25am: Volunteer
12:20pm: Almost
5:20pm: Fusion
8:20pm: Ham

Song of the Day: Woodstock

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Tuesday, May 27th

Words of the Day
7:25am: Spectrum
12:20pm: Field
5:20pm: Clips
8:20pm: Oops

Song of the Day: Strutter

Monday, May 26, 2008

Monday, May 26th

Words of the Day
7:25am: North
12:20pm: Ponder
5:20pm: Stamp
8:20pm: Cassette

Song of the Day: No More Mr. Nice Guy

New Survey
Head to Head in the Hood (250pts)

New Events
Gladiator Mixed Martial Arts (250pts) (250pts)
Livingwell bonus codes: experiences, home (both worth 250pts each)

*** Bonus Code: DESTROYERS ***
Use this code before Wednesday at Midnight and get 500 points!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Sunday, May 25th

Super Cities WALK for MS

Word of the Day
11:20am: Motorcycle

Mullet Madness Weekend!
6am lickitup
7am signs
8am tobewithyou
9am morethanwords
10am cumonfeelthenoize
11am donttreatmebad
12pm finalcountdown
1pm seventeen
2pm dontcloseyoureyes
3pm wildchild
4pm summertimegirls
5pm honestly
1st tri-pod song - youcouldbemine
2nd tri-pod song - balladofjane
3rd tri-pod song - oncebittentwiceshy
8pm saintsoflosangeles
9pm unskinnybop
10pm 10000lovers
11pm werenotgoingtotakeit

Listen to Top 20 countdown between 6pm-8pm today to catch the theme for the tri-pod word (each song is worth 500pts, the clues to figure out the word are as follows:

1st tri-pod song:"You Could Be Mine" by Guns 'N Roses
2nd tri-pod song: "Ballad Of Jane" by L.A. Guns
3rd tri-pod song: "Once Bitten Twice Shy" by Great White

Tri-pod word: mullet

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Saturday, May 24th

Word of the Day
11:20am: Mullet

Whig Code: ride

Mullet Madness Weekend!
6am ragdoll
7am blackout
8am hereigoagain
9am youthgonewild
10am heaven
11am dreamwarriors
12pm wait
1pm californiagirls
2pm fillyourheadwithrock
3pm mrbrownstone
4pm badmedicine
5pm nothinbutagoodtime
6pm turnuptheradio
7pm yourinvitedbutyourfriendscantcome
8pm shakeme
9pm animal
10pm roundandround
11pm thelumberjack

Friday, May 23, 2008

Friday, May 23rd

Words of the Day
7:25am: Bundle
12:20pm: Speech
5:20pm: Gnome
8:20pm: Trews

Song of the Day: Rip This Joint (Stones)

Mullet Madness Weekend!
5pm toofastforlove
6pm hysteria
7pm upallnight
8pm comingofage
9pm houseofpain
10pm iwannarock

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Thursday, May 22nd

Words of the Day
7:25am: Spare
12:20pm: Holler
5:20pm: Yodel
8:20pm: Recite

Song of the Day: Bell Bottom Blues

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Wednesday, May 21st

From the newsletter....

Super Cities WALK for MS
Join us (K-Rock) on Sunday, May 25th at the Super Cities WALK for MS as residents of Kingston and Napanee communities gather to fight multiple sclerosis.
WALK with us through historic streets of Kingston or along scenic residential streets of Napanee. Make your mark on this disease and join us.
Together we will end MS. Register today! Visit our website at, Tel: 1-800-268-7582 x 2316 or the local MS office at 613-384-8500.

Words of the Day
7:25am: Locket
12:20pm: Stride
5:20pm: Directions
8:20pm: Join

Song of the Day: Tweeter and the Monkey Man

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Tuesday, May 20th

Words of the Day
7:25am: Accurate
12:20pm: Twine
5:20pm: Dominoes
8:20pm: Top

Song of the Day: Hapiness Is A Warm Gun

Newsletter bonus code: ridefordad (500pts)
Use this code before Wednesday at midnight

Monday, May 19, 2008

Monday, May 19th

Word of the Day
11:20am: Victoria

Bonus code weekend
6am billiondollarbabies
7am lastchild
8am lagrange
9am ziggystardust
10am paranoid
11am sunshineofyourlove
12pm surrender
1pm smokeonthewater
2pm messageinabottle
3pm prideandjoy
4pm barkatthemoon
5pm heartshapedbox
6pm nooneknows
7pm anarchyintheuk
8pm cochise
9pm aceofspades
10pm cherubrock
11pm thenumberofthebeast

Tri-pod word: guitar hero

New Event (100pts)
bonus code for experiences

If you choose to register on LIVINGWELL.CA, you have the opportunity to earn an additional 250 points by filling in the blank ____.
bonus code: coupons (250 pts)

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Sunday, May 18th

Word of the Day
Monday's word
11:20am: Victoria
Sunday's word
11:20am: Stargazer

Guitar Hero Bonus code weekend
6am cantyouhearmeknockin
7am mississippiqueen
8am whenyouwereyoung
9am morethanafeeling
10am youreallygotme
11am freebird
12pm warpigs
1pm theseeker
2pm crossroads
3pm frankenstein
4pm yyz
5pm blackmagicwoman
1st tri-pod song - sameoldsonganddance
2nd tri-pod song - rockandrollallnight
3rd tri-pod song - slowride
8pm stop
9pm trippinonaholeinapaperheart
10pm welcometothejungle
11pm missmurder

Listen to Top 20 countdown between 6pm-8pm today to catch the theme for the tri-pod word. Each song is worth (500pts) the clues to figure out the word are as follows:

1st tri-pod song: "Same Old Song And Dance" by Aerosmith
2nd tri-pod song: "Rock And Roll All Night" by Kiss
3rd tri-pod song: "Slow Ride" by Foghat

Tri-pod word:

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Saturday, May 17th

Word of the Day
11:20am: Success

Whig Code: home

Guitar Hero Bonus code weekend
6am rockyoulikeahurricane
7am carryonmywaywardson
8am killerqueen
9am tonightimgonnarockyoutonight
10am godzilla
11am woman
12pm schoolsout
1pm iloverockandroll
2pm cherrypie
3pm sharpdressedman
4pm jessica
5pm paintitblack
6pm shoutatthedevil
7pm higherground
8pm monkeywrench
9pm possumkingdom
10pm cultofpersonality
11pm one

Friday, May 16, 2008

Friday, May 16th

Words of the Day
7:25am: Wagon
12:20pm: Charts
5:20pm: Bees
8:20pm: Sundown

Song of the Day: The Man Who Sold The world

Guitar Hero Bonus code weekend
4pm sweetchildofmine
5pm hush
6pm ironman
7pm evenflow
8pm youvegotanotherthingcoming
9pm strutter
10pm laydown

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Thursday, May 15th

Words of the Day
7:25am: Planter
12:20pm: Wisdom
5:20pm: Umbrella
8:20pm: Potential

Song of the Day: Witchy Woman

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Wednesday, May 14th

Words of the Day
7:25am: Distance
12:20pm: Shutter
5:20pm: Venture
8:20pm: Stock

Song of the Day: Yesterday

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Tuesday, May 13th

Words of the Day
7:25am: Sprint
12:20pm: Rake
5:20pm: Trade
8:20pm: Private

Song of the Day: Beautiful Girls

Monday, May 12, 2008

Monday, May 12th

Words of the Day
7:25am: Vault
12:20pm: Pace
5:20pm: Collect
8:20pm: Conference

Song of the Day: Gimme Three Steps

*** Bonus Code: GUITAR***
Use this code before Wednesday at Midnight and get 500 points!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Sunday, May 11th

Word of the Day
11:20am: Town
Produce Town bonus code: produce (500pts )

Bonus code weekend
6am magicman
7am myfavoritemistake
8am mamakin
9am iloverockandroll
10am heartbreaker
11am heylawdymama
12pm motherslittlehelper
1pm nosugartonightnewmothernature
2pm simpleman
3pm whenidie
4pm motherandchildreunion
5pm crazyonyou
1st tri-pod song - goodbyedaughtersoftherevolution (not working)
2nd tri-pod song - daughter
3rd tri-pod song - followyourdaughtershome (not working)
8pm mothermary
9pm mother
10pm zombie
11pm malibu

Listen to Top 20 countdown between 6pm-8pm today to catch the theme for the tri-pod word. Each song is worth 500pts. The clues to figure out the word are as follows:

1st tri-pod song: "Goodbye Daughters Of The Revolution" by Black Crowes
2nd tri-pod song: "Daughter" by Pearl Jam
3rd tri-pod song: "Follow Your Daughters Home" by Guess Who

Tri-pod word:

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Saturday, May 10th

Word of the Day
11:20am: Runway

Whig Code: Construction

Bonus code weekend
6am mamatoldmenottocome
7am mamalethimplay
8am surrender
9am haveyouseenyourmotherbabystandingintheshadow
10am tieyourmotherdown
11am mama
12pm letitbe
1pm alwaysontherun
2pm ifitmakesyouhappy
3pm barracuda
4pm hitmewithyourbestshot
5pm headspin
6pm 3am
7pm stacysmom
8pm volvodrivingsoccermom
9pm celebrityskin
10pm mothermother
11pm stardogchampion

Friday, May 9, 2008

Friday, May 9th

Words of the Day
7:25am: Hinge
12:20pm: Anchor
5:20pm: Warp
8:20pm: Guests

Song of the Day: Rough Justice

Mom's Rock weekend
4pm mother
5pm mamaimcominghome
6pm betterman
7pm everydayisawindingroad
8pm untilitsleeps
9pm crimsonandclover
10pm mamawereallcrazynow

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Thursday, May 8th

Words of the Day
7:25am: Quantity
12:20pm: Laces
5:20pm: Revise
8:20pm: Witty

Song of the Day: Backdoor Man

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Wednesday, May 7th

Words of the Day
7:25am: Location
12:20pm: Wires
5:20pm: Torque
8:20pm: Fads

Song of the Day: Back In The Saddle

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Tuesday, May 6th

This is and was intended to be a Code Sharing Blog.. no insults allowed, if you want to meet people or "argue" there are places for that, not here... keep this to at the most small chat at the least sharing codes, thank you

Because of the recent comments, this has now been changed to "Moderation of Comments", please be patient if your comment is not published right away, I could be away from the computer, it will come in time

Words of the Day
7:25am: Depth
12:20pm: Button
5:20pm: Trellis
8:20pm: Toggle

Song of the Day: I Want To Hold Your Hand

Monday, May 5, 2008

Monday, May 5th

This is and was intended to be a Code Sharing Blog.. no insults allowed, if you want to meet people or "argue" there are places for that, not here... keep this to at the most small chat at the least sharing codes, thank you

Because of the recent comments, this has now been changed to "Moderation of Comments", please be patient if your comment is not published right away, I could be away from the computer, it will come in time

Words of the Day
7:25am: Market
12:20pm: Knobs
5:20pm: Shade
8:20pm: Tonic

Song of the Day: Mary had a little Lamb

New Event
Action Van And Truck World (250pts)

New Opinion
head to head in the hood (250pts)

*** Bonus Code: SHELTER ***
Use this code before Wednesday at Midnight and get 500 points!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Sunday, May 4th

This is and was intended to be a Code Sharing Blog... no insults allowed, if you want to meet people or "argue" there are places for that, not here... keep this to at the most small chat, at the least sharing codes, thank you.

Because of the recent comments, this has now been changed to "Moderation of Comments", please be patient if your comment is not published right away, I could be away from the computer, it will come in time.

Word of the Day
11:20am: gadget

Bonus code weekend
6am anotherday
7am ridersonthestorm
8am stairwaytoheaven
9am babaoriley
10am imagine
11am sweetcitywoman
12pm raindance
1pm joytotheworld
2pm tinydancer
3pm whatislife
4pm lovetheoneyourwith
5pm draggintheline
1st tri-pod song - signs
2nd tri-pod song - heytonight
3rd tri-pod song - downtown
8pm themefromshaft
9pm maggiemay
10pm itdontcomeeasy
11pm idlovetochangetheworld

Listen to Top 20 countdown between 6pm-8pm today to catch the theme for the tri-pod word. Each song is worth 500pts. The clues to figure out the word are as follows:

1st tri-pod song: "Signs" by Five Man Electrical Band
2nd tri-pod song: "Hey Tonight" by Creedence Clearwater Revival
3rd tri-pod song: "Downtown" by Neil Young

Tri-pod word: 1971

New Event
Watch the Seether Video (250pts)
If you watch the video, Wind Up Records will make a donation to the Kids Help Phone.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Saturday, May 3rd

This is and was intended to be a Code Sharing Blog... no insults allowed, if you want to meet people or "argue" there are places for that, not here... keep this to at the most small chat, at the least sharing codes, thank you

Because of the recent comments, this has now been changed to "Moderation of Comments", please be patient if your comment is not published right away, I could be away from the computer, it will come in time

Word of the Day
11:20am: Benefit

Whig Code: Stanley Cup

Bonus code weekend
6am mysweetlord
7am lifeisacarnival
8am ijustwanttocelebrate
9am unclealbert
10am brownsugar
11am sweethitchhiker
12pm behindblueeyes
1pm peacetrain
2pm jeepster
3pm oldman
4pm americanpie
5pm lovehermadly
6pm aqualung
7pm roundabout
8pm oyecomova
9pm undermywheels
10pm sweetleaf
11pm meandbobbymcgee

New Event
Watch the Seether Video (250pts)
If you watch the video, Wind Up Records will make a donation to the Kids Help Phone.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Friday, May 2nd

This is and was intended to be a Code Sharing Blog.. no insults allowed, if you want to meet people or "argue" there are places for that, not here... keep this to at the most small chat at the least sharing codes, thank you

Because of the recent comments, this has now been changed to "Moderation of Comments", please be patient if your comment is not published right away, I could be away from the computer, it will come in time

Words of the Day
7:25am: Generate
12:20pm: Bloom
5:20pm: Rain
8:20pm: Photo

Song of the Day: Aqualung

Bonus code weekend
4pm immigrantsong
5pm bangagonggetiton
6pm haveyoueverseentherain
7pm powertothepeople
8pm wontgetfooledagain
9pm wildhorses
10pm wildworld

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Thursday, May 1st

This is and was intended to be a Code Sharing Blog.. no insults allowed, if you want to meet people or "argue" there are places for that, not here... keep this to at the most small chat at the least sharing codes, thank you

Because of the recent comments, this has now been changed to "Moderation of Comments", please be patient if your comment is not published right away, I could be away from the computer, it will come in time

Words of the Day
7:25am: Police
12:20pm: Kite
5:20pm: Delicious
8:20pm: Graduate

Song of the Day: See Me, Feel Me

New event & Presale
Brunet Heating and Air Conditioning (250pts)