Because of the recent comments, this has now been changed to "Moderation of Comments", please be patient if your comment is not published right away, I could be away from the computer, it will come in time
Words of the Day7:25am: Blinker
12:20pm: Download
5:20pm: Cassette
8:20pm: Recline
Song of the Day: Satisfaction
New Event
Kingston Volkswagen blow out sale (250 pts)
Your Opinion
Head to Head in the Hood - Week of April 21st (250pts)
New Event: (250 pts)
Kingston Volkswagen blow out sale
7:25 Word - Blinker
7:20 word = blinker
12:20 WOTD Download
Good day everyone.
2:00 pm song- satisfaction
defining moment...
I can't get no .........I can't get no... Satisfaction..
the sun does this to me
Defining Moment: Satisfaction
Song of the Day:
Good day K-Rock bloggers......
12:20 Word/Code : Download
Defining Moment in Song: Satisfaction by the Rolling Stones !!!!!!!
I sure hope we can do away with this delaying of the messages as I'm not sure if these codes have been posted before...
Lets hope that they will lift this as I miss the old system....Please don't ruin it for everyone....lets be responsible
5:20 = Cassette
Head to Head in the Hood - Week of April 21st - 250pts
8:20 pm word- recline
8:20 word/Code is : Recline
8:20 pm song: Recline
Thank you everyone for the codes, and that you blog staff for another good code day.
8:20 word: recline
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