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Word of the Day11:20am: super
Whig Code: spring
Supergroup Bonus code weekend
6am marakeshexpress
7am comingofage
8am heatofthemoment
9am powertothepeople
10am theadventure
11am forwhatitsworth
12pm thelastfight
1pm feellikemakinglove
2pm openyoureyes
3pm whenyourheartstopsbeating
4pm crossroads
5pm mrtamborineman
6pm tweeterandthemonkeyman
7pm hungerstrike
8pm youwouldntknow
9pm wheniseeyousmile
10pm riverofdeceit
11pm threelibras
6 am song: "Marrakesh Express" by Crosby, Stills & Nash but it does not seem to work.
6am - MarakeshExpress (note the correct spelling)
7am - ComingOfAge
7 song - ComingOfAge
8am - HeatOftheMoment
9 AM - PowerToThePeople
Whig code is spring
10 AM - theadventure
Good day everyone. If you get the chance to make it to Kingston VW, you can get a free hand car wash, nice job. 1000 K-rock bonus points ballot just for going in.
11:00 am song- forwhatitsworth
11:20 am word- super
word of the day - super
12 PM - TheLastFight
1 PM - FeelLikeMakingLove
2pm - openyoureyes
4:00 pm song- crossroads
4 pm song: Crossroads
5 pm song: MrTambourineMan
enter 5:00 pm code;
3:00 pm song- WhenYourHeartStopsBeating
6:00 pm song- tweeterandthemonkeyman
6 pm song: TweeterAndTheMonkeyMan
3pm - whenyourheartstopsbeating
6pm - tweeterandthemonkeyman
7 pm song: HungerStrike
8:00 pm song- youwouldntknow
8 pm song: YouWouldntKnow
Maybe I'm too old but I don't know half of these super groups???
Check out this website;
8:20pm bonus code - youwouldntknow
9:00 pm song- wheniseeyousmile
9 pm song: WhenISeeYouSmile
10:00 pm song- riverofdeceit
10pm song RiverOfDeceit
10 pm song: RiverOfDeceit
11:00 pm song- threelibras
11pm song ThreeLibras
11 pm song: ThreeLibras
Thanks everyone, until tomorrow morning.
Good night
Night All!!
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