Friday, May 22, 2009

Friday, May 22nd

Words of the Day
7:20am: Rubbish
10:20am: Cob
12:20pm: Tizzy
5:20pm: Boating
8:20pm: Spacious
10:20pm: Chagrin

Song of the Day: Long Live Rock

"Hometown Hero's" bonus code weekend
4pm kingston
5pm hometown
6pm ktown
8pm bathouse
9pm sydenham
10pm fort


spk said...

720 wod Rubbish

Rosey said...

1020 Word: Cob

Airtime said...

12:20 word - tizzy

helping_Sis said...


helping_Sis said...

Hi all,
Thank you mr. fix for your FYI posting yesterday. So I guess after all the time I have put in keeping up this blog and listening to the station, which by the way happens to be my choice of radio stations for quite some time now, I guess there is no longer any reason for me to keep up this blog anymore. It is really too bad because K-Rock is an awesome station. My sister started this blog and because of her I have listened to some really great music and have had some great conversations. In my opinion if a person that lives over 100km is so willing to drive all the way out to Kingston to pick up a DVD or a frisbee or a t-shirt once in awhile, I call that dedication and loyalty to a station and they should be honoured that someone would be willing to do that. I've even told many people about K-Rock saying how great I thought the station was and that I much prefer K-Rock over other stations who simply can’t get past playing anything but AC/DC, April Wine, Ozzy, and Zeppelin. But I am not going to waste my time anymore if that is the case and this may be my last weekend updating this blog.

Airtime said...

Defining Moments - Long Live Rock

Airtime said...

4PM - Kingston

Airtime said...

Hey helping_Sis
I'm sure you spend a lot of time on this blog-thanks for the effort. So why Carleton Place for the cutoff? How far is Carleton Place from Ottawa-30 or 40 Kms. If you'd drive from Carleton Place for a prize, you'd surely drive from Ottawa. It seems K-Rock is cutting off a pretty big market. Maybe a few protest emails to K-Rock might change their minds to include Ottawa - I'll be sending one. Don't give up yet!!

Airtime said...

5PM - hometown said...

Helping Sis i have also sent off an email.I have asked them to read the blogs and look at all you have done for us. I hope it works,my fingers are crossed.

Mexicannie said...

5:20 word - boating

emilie said...

Helping Sis.....
Hi...... I sent a email as well
Ottawa does have a lot of people who listen to K-rock so I don't understand the cut off at Carelton Place. You have done a great job on this blog and K-rock should read this and see for themselves
Thank -you for all your hard work.

Freddies Dead Mutt said...

You told K-Rock about this blog? Did you even read the rules? This blog is grounds for disqualification, what the hell were you thinking?

Airtime said...

6PM - ktown

Freddies Dead Mutt said...

K-Rock's rules are very clear, you have to be within the broadcast signal range, not streaming range, didn't you know that? It's like that for all the radio station contests you collect points for. Sending them email won't make them change their rules, and now that they know about this blog, that's 2 rules violations, way to go

Mr ABC said...


Krock has known about this site since the beginning. They have typically cooperated in the past!


Thanks for a great time in this site. I'll miss it if it leaves.

Freddies Dead Mutt said...

K-Rock may know about it, but it's still contrary to their rules, no one needs complain and use this blog for reference, that's pushing the rules in their face.

Freddies Dead Mutt said...

I don't understand why you have to quit sis, if you like the station so much and are a loyal listener, what difference does it make if you can't get a frisbee, dvd or a t-shirt? If k-rock is your choice of radio stations, what's changed? Why would your dedication and loyalty change, is it because you can't scoop up rewards points any longer?

Candy said...

8:20 word - spacious

Candy said...

9 pm - Sydenham

helping_Sis said...

Thanks, I will keep my fingers crossed. :)

@ms hockey
Thank you to you too. :)
I really do love this blog, it would be a shame.

Thank you to you too. This blog is a lot of fun.

@mr abc
I will miss it too. :)

It is because all the time and effort I put into this blog and then to be banned from being able to participate too...not really worth it for me. I wouldn't stop listening though cause I do love this station. By the way, mr abc is right, K-Rock has popped in here before and they are fabulous!!! :)

Pops said...

I just want to say thank you first of all for all your hardwork and dedication. I am not always able to listen (work restrictions) to K-Rock and thus not always able to contribute but knowing that there are others out there able to assist is of great comfort.

If you decide to stop updating this site, is it possible for someone else to take over your duties? Or maybe a couple people might work as a team and perform updates?

Let us know.

Cheers and again thank you from the bottom of my heart.

;) & :)

helping_Sis said...

You are most welcome. :) As for your question I will get back to you on that, I would not leave you all hanging out to dry so to speak because as I have said before I have had some really good chats with people who have popped in here and have brought a smile to my face. :)

Freddies Dead Mutt said...

I believe K-Rock had to make it clear who is eligible to participate. If they start allowing people to participate from outside the broadcast signal range, where would it end? Anyone could use the streaming from anywhere and use the same argument to remain members, they have to draw the line somewhere. All other stations with similar programs have the same rules to be eligible, you have to be within their broadcast signal range, it's pretty cut and dry. Unfortunately and obviously, persons outside the broadcast range are unhappy with this clarification, but those are the rules. It would be much worse if someone who wasn't eligible to win a nice prize only to be disqualified later and their prize given to someone else.

helping_Sis said...

I don't know exactly how far Carleton Place is from Ottawa but I do have a friend that lives in Carleton Place and works in Ottawa and my friend drives it everyday so in my mind I think that it can't be that much of a difference. But I guess K-Rock has decided that it is so I guess that is just the way it has to be, unless they change their minds.

helping_Sis said...

But the fact remains that the prize has to be picked up in Kingston and I can't really see a person living much farther out than Ottawa actually going there to pick up a prize. First, how or why would they even know about the station or let alone want to drive all that way to pick up a dvd or a t-shirt. I certainly would not drive all the way to toronto for example to pick up a dvd or whatever. Kingston is not all that far away from Ottawa really. And it is a beautiful drive out there and a beautiful place to go hang out for the day. :)

Freddies Dead Mutt said...

Sis, are you a points member with CHYM FM? Isn't that in Kitchener-Waterloo? I'm pretty sure they would have the same type of broadcast range rule, and besides, think of the listeners for that station if members from outside of their broadcast range were winning their prizes. I believe the rules are there to make it fair for the local members, so they don't have to compete with the entire population of Ottawa, Toronto, etc...

helping_Sis said...

I am not a points member with CHYM FM

Freddies Dead Mutt said...

The rules have cut me out too, but to make an issue out of it will only strengthen their resolve to stand by them. I think in all fairness if I complain, it may cause K-Rock to stop their points program, and that wouldn't be fair to my friends in Kingston. That's only my opinion, and if the rules say I'm out of bounds, so be it.

helping_Sis said...

I am not making an issue out of it, I was only expressing my opinion and if that is their decision then you're right, so be it. But then I will have to make my decision as to whether I still want to put my time and energy into something that I am banned from. That is the only point I was trying to make.

Candy said...

10 pm - I thought he said port - doesn't work

Sis, I'm very grateful for all the hard work you have put into this. I'm also willing to help you in any way I can.

helping_Sis said...

Well good night everybody, thank you for the kind words....I appreciate that. :) I will be here on the weekend, just not getting up at 6am anymore.....LOL

Candy said...

10:20 - chagrin

Unknown said...

@ Sis,

I wouldn't give up hope as I live 537 km away (door to door) in Sarnia and have had no trouble collecting rewards the two times I've done so. Also, I've never read the rules so all this is just hear-say to me and therefore doesn't apply to me. Besides Rock & Roll is all about rebellion and NOT following the rules and as I sit here and look at my most awesome desk mat it clearly says K-"ROCK", not K-"crap I don't listen too". So as the great Yoda would say, worried I am not.

@ Farley,

not only does K-Rock know about the blog they have in the past even posted corrections on it.

Freddies Dead Mutt said...

Sis, I'm not saying that you're making an issue out of it, I just meant that if K-Rock gets a lot of email from disgruntled members, they may just decide to end the program. It won't stop me from helping out my friends, maybe if they win something nice they may be kind enough to share it with me, like some concert tickets, hint hint. said...

Farley i am sorry the way you feel. But James at k-rock has told me a number of times to make sure i let people on the blog know that if words weren;t put out to let them know.I am a points member for kiss 105 the bear etc. we all love helping sis' work, and the people at krock already know about this link and they encourage it.Hope everything goes well,i did not get anyone in trouble ,they encourage all listeners. People from Ottawa Toronto etc have won phone in contests.You may be mad but think before you start acusing people of wrong doings.I will listen at 6am but i have to work so i won;t be able to give youy the words untill late afternoon.

Freddies Dead Mutt said...

Freddie, maybe because you have duped K-Rock twice before and are blatant enough to post it here, like you're rubbing their faces in crap, that could be the reason why K-Rock has clarified it's rules to exclude us. Is Sarnia that boring that you need to mess things up for everyone then brag about it? JC, bloody Sarnia, no wonder it's the end of the line for the rest of us.

Freddies Dead Mutt said...

Ms Hockey, just don't rub K-Rock's face in shit, that's all I say. K-Rock may use this blog for corrections, but as their rules now state, if you're out of the range, you're out of luck, you don't need to openly let everyone know that K-rock participates here. Damn people read the bloody rules. Good night. said...

i hope nobody poops in your cornflakes tomorrow Farley.Lighten up we all work together here WE ARE A TEAM.GO TEAM

Unknown said...

@ farley, don't go away mad, just go away.

Unknown said...

@, we're the A Team, cool... I want to be Mr T said...

You called it it's yours.Have a great night MR. T

Unknown said...

:) said...

Love the picture you look great.Freddie But i love the Sheperd one too said...

oops sorry it's not a Sheperd. Is it an Alaskan dog

Unknown said...

@, Chinook was a Siberian Husky and former army brat who use to live in Kingston and Gananoque. Unfortunately he passed away last June 30th but he will live in my heart forever.

Mexicannie said...

8 pm code - bathhouse
10 pm word - fort

Sean said...

I think the 10PM word is fort (it works)

@Candy. Thanks for the hint

Mexicannie said...

Did anyone get the 7 pm word?

helping_Sis said...

Couldn't sleep...LOL

Well said... :) By the way, you new pic put a smile on my face... :)

I can't see them ending the rewards is fun and gets people listening.

@ms. hockey
Thank you. :)

Hi mexicannie :)

Unknown said...

Mr. F Says: I pity the fooley who can't get along within this blog

helping_Sis said...

LOL...I love your sense of humour.. ;)

Unknown said...

@ Sis, thanks for all the hard work you've done with this blog

Unknown said...


helping_Sis said...

My pleasure.... :) This is definitely a "Team" effort though!

helping_Sis said...

LMAO.... :)

Unknown said...

love Def Leppard, still bummed I missed their concert with Billy Idol last year.

well I'm outta here. Good night Sis and the rest of the A Team

helping_Sis said...

Good night freddie! :)

Good night all....again. :)

mike said...

Thank you all hope this site can be carried on great people thanks again