Monday, May 11, 2009

Monday, May 11th

Words of the Day
7:20am: Crumbs
12:20pm: Demand
5:20pm: Beginning
8:20pm: Shine

Song of the Day: Paradise By The Dashboard Lights

Morning Krew blog bonus code: kraft dinner

On this date in 1981: Bob _______ died of lung cancer & a brain tumor at Cedars of Lebanon Hospital in Miami. He was 36 years old. What is Bob's last name?
Answer: marley (use as a bonus code before wednesday at midnight and get 1,000pts)


Mr. Red said...

K-Rock Newsletter Trivia:

On this date in 1981: Bob _______ died of lung cancer & a brain tumor at Cedars of Lebanon Hospital in Miami.
He was 36 years old.

What is Bob's last name?
Answer: MarleyUse the ANSWER as a Bonus Code before
Wednesday at Midnight and get 1000 points!

spk said...

720 wod Crumbs

Sean said...

12:20 word - demand

Sean said...

song of the day - Paradise by the Dashboard Lights

Sean said...

Morning Krew Blog word - Kraft dinner

tah2x said...

520 Word - beginning

Unknown said...

8:20 - Shine