Friday, February 29, 2008

Friday, February 29th

Words of the Day
7:25am: Leap
12:20pm: Four
5:20pm: Extra
8:20pm: Calendar

Song of the Day: Long Live Rock

Cowbell Weekend (pick up 500 points every hour - Starts today 4pm.)
4pm dontfearthereaper
5pm goodtimesbadtimes
6pm mississippiqueen
7pm unskinnybop
8pm workingfortheweekend
9pm dancinginthestreet
10pm ownerofalonelyheart

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Thursday, February 28th

Words of the Day
7:25am: Year
12:20pm: Tropical
5:20pm: Travelling
8:20pm: Cycle

Song of the Day: Highway Star

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Wednesday, February 27th

Words of the Day
7:25am: Musical
12:20pm: Chance
5:20pm: Listen
8:20pm: Motorcross

Song of the Day: New Sensation

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Tuesday, February 26th

Words of the Day
7:25am: Fleeting
12:20pm: Divided
5:20pm: Concerts
8:20pm: Touring

Song of the Day: Love Me Two Times

Monday, February 25, 2008

Monday, February 25th

Words of the Day
7:25am: Stray
12:20pm: Style
5:20pm: Rule
8:20pm: World

Song of the Day: Dancing in the Dark

K-Rock newsletter code is: Cowbell for 500 pts

Kingston Home Builder's Association - 250 Points

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Sunday, February 24th

Words of the Day
11:20pm: Game

Top 20 countdown between 6pm-8pm today to catch the theme for the tri-pod word
Tri-pod word:

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Saturday, February 23rd

Word of the Day
11:20am: Concert

Whig Code: k-rockcentre

Tragically Hip Weekend (enter song titles within 2 hours of hearing them for 500pts)
6am cordelia
7am theluxury
8am thelastoftheunpluckedgems
9am longtimerunning
10am borninthewater
11am ontheverge
12pm bringitallback
1pm littlebones
2pm neworleansissinking
3pm bobcaygeon
4pm wheatkings
5pm soharddoneby
6pm courage

Bonus code worth 5,000pts is: livebetweenus

Friday, February 22, 2008

Friday, February 22nd

Words of the Day
7:25am: Opening
12:20pm: Frontenacs
5:20pm: Eldorado
8:20pm: Highway

Song of the Day: Ashes To Ashes

Tragically Hip Weekend (enter song titles within 2 hours of hearing them for 500pts)
4pm atthehundredthmeridian
5pm thewherewithal
6pm fiftymissioncap
7pm threepistols
8pm fiddlersgreen
9pm twistmyarm
10pm fight

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Thursday, February 21st

Words of the Day
7:25am: Violet
12:20pm: Daredevil
5:20pm: Camera
8:20pm: Boots

Song of the Day: 2 Out of 3 Ain't Bad

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Wednesday, February 20th

Words of the Day
7:25am: Evolution
12:20pm: Phantom
5:20pm: Pigeon
8:20pm: Unplucked

Song of the Day: Ohio

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Tuesday, February 19th

Words of the Day
7:25am: Container
12:20pm: Turbulence
5:20pm: Thugs
8:20pm: Twist

Song of the Day: The Times They Are A Changin

Monday, February 18, 2008

Monday, February 18th

Words of the Day
7:25am: Countdown
12:20pm: Makeshift
5:20pm: Terrarium
8:20pm: Verge

Song of the Day: Don't Let Me Down

K-Rock Rewards Email-
*** Bonus Code: FamilyDay ***

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Sunday, February 17th

11:20am: village

Tragically Hip Weekend (enter song titles within 2 hours of hearing them for 500pts)
6am shedidntknow
7am everytimeyougo
8am blowathighdough
9am whentheweightcomesdown
10am opiated
11am thirtyeightyearsold
12pm neworleansissinking
1pm lookingforaplacetohappen
2pm wellgotoo
3pm wheatkings
4pm pigeoncamera
5pm lockedinthetrunkofacar
6pm lastnightidreamedyoudidntloveme
7pm yernottheocean
8pm courage
9pm lionized
10pm fully completely (put the space in between the words)
11pm eldorado (not working)

Top 20 countdown between 6pm-8pm today to catch the theme for the tri-pod word
Tri-pod word: world container

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Saturday, February 16th

Word of the Day
11:20am: Bullard

Whig Code: baby

Tragically Hip Weekend (enter song titles within 2 hours of hearing them for 500pts)
6am apartmentsong
7am springtimeinvienna
8am putitoff
9am letsstayengaged
10am flamenco
11am coconutcream
12pm killingtime
1pm highwaygirl
2pm lastamericanexit
3pm cemeterysideroad
4pm allcanadiansurfclub
5pm imawerewolfbaby
6pm smalltownbringdown
7pm evelyn
8pm bootsorhearts
9pm anothermidnight
10pm illbelieveinyou(orillbeleavingyoutonight)
11pm trickledown

Friday, February 15, 2008

Friday, February 15th

Words of the Day
7:25am: Exclusive
12:20pm: Vibrant
5:20pm: Exhilarate
8:20pm: Absolute

Song of the Day: See Emily Play

Tragically Hip Weekend (enter song titles within 2 hours of hearing them for 500pts)
4pm nauticaldisaster
5pm 700ftceiling
6pm aheadbyacentury
7pm sherpa
8pm giftshop
9pm buttswigglin
10pm dontwakedaddy

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Thursday, February 14th

Words of the Day
7:25am: Valentine
12:20pm: Flowers
5:20pm: Chocolates
8:20pm: Dining

Song of the Day: Land of Confusion

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Wednesday, February 13th

Words of the Day
7:25am: Hearts
12:20pm: Sweetheart
5:20pm: Diamonds
8:20pm: Lucky

Song of the Day: Whole Lotta Rosie

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Tuesday, February 12th

Words of the Day
7:25am: Inclusive
12:20pm: Roses
5:20pm: Delight
8:20pm: Devine

Song of the Day: Rocket Man

Monday, February 11, 2008

Monday, February 11th

Words of the Day
7:25am: Hip
12:20pm: Romance
5:20pm: Intense
8:20pm: Hitch

Song of the Day: Changes

*** Bonus Code: CENTRE ***
Use this code before Wednesday at Midnight and get 500 points!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Sunday, February 10th

Word of the Day
11:20am: series

Tragically Hip Weekend (enter song titles within 2 hours of hearing them for 500pts)
6am inview
7am worldcontainer
8am familyband
9am pretend
10am fly
11am thelonelyendoftherink
12pm soharddoneby
1pm gracetoo (good to enter until midnight)
2pm scared (good to enter until midnight)
3pm yawningorsnarling
4pm impossibilium
5pm daredevil
6pm greasyjungle
7pm aninchanhour
8pm inevitabilityofdeath
9pm fireinthehole
10pm titanicterrarium
11pm emergency

Top 20 countdown between 6pm-8pm today to catch the theme for the tri-pod word
Tri-pod word: Day for Night

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Saturday, February 9th

Words of the Day

11:20am: Puck

Whig Code: Febfest

Tragically Hip Weekend (enter song titles within 2 hours of hearing them for 500pts)
6am lakefever
7am stay
8am thebear
9am mymusicatwork
10am puttingdown
11am toronto#4
12pm asiwinddownthepines
1pm trainovernight
2pm freakturbulence
3pm tigerthelion
4pm thecompletists
5pm sharks
6pm thebastard
7pm yernottheocean
8pm luv(sic)
9pm thekidsdontgetit
10pm lastnightidreamedyoudidntloveme
11pm thedropoff

Friday, February 8, 2008

Friday, February 8th

Words of the Day
7:25am: Shinny
12:20pm: Limestone
5:20pm: Shock
8:20pm: Carnival

Song of the Day: Voodoo Chile

Tragically Hip Weekend (enter song titles within 2 hours of hearing them for 500pts)
5pm vapourtrails
6pm bobcaygeon
7pm thompsongirl
8pm savetheplanet
9pm therules
10pm wildmountainhoney

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Thursday, February 7th

Words of the Day
7:25am: Gilmour
12:20pm: Wendel
5:20pm: Sculpture
8:20pm: Tournament

Song of the Day: Heaven's On Fire

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Wednesday, February 6th

Words of the Day
7:25am: Kirk
12:20pm: Rink
5:20pm: Competition
8:20pm: Chill

Song of the Day: Only Women Bleed

New Event
The Sports & Entertainent Centre: K-Rock _______? (1,057 pts)

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Tuesday, February 5th

Words of the Day
7:25am: Ice
12:20pm: Trophy
5:20pm: Classic
8:20pm: Band

Song of the Day: Monkey Man

Monday, February 4, 2008

Monday, February 4th

Words of the Day
7:25am: Historical
12:20pm: NHL
5:20pm: Grapes
8:20pm: Celebrities

Song of the Day: Layla

New Event:
Motosport Plus (500pts)

*** Bonus Code: EliManning ***
Use this code before Wednesday at Midnight and get 500 points!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Sunday, February 3rd

Word of the Day
11:20am: Patriots

Tragically Hip Weekend (enter song titles within 2 hours of hearing them for 500pts)
6am theheartofthemelt
7am thedarkcanuck
8am areyouready
9am leave
10am thedarkestone
11am throwingoffglass
12pm alltoreup
1pm useitup
2pm silverjet
3pm abeautifulthing
4pm thedirewolf
5pm itsagoodlifeifyoudontweaken
6pm poets
7pm somethingon
8pm dropoff
9pm membership
10pm emperorpenguin
11pm chagrinfalls (not working)

Listen today between 12:00pm-6:00pm for flashback questions and guess the answers. (6 of them)

Flashback Questions:

(Answers are worth 500pts each)
1. Who was the original lead singer of the guess who?
Answer: Chad Allen
2. Name the first manager of the Rolling Stones.
Answer: Andrew Loog
3. Timothy Leary was famous for doing research on LSD. Complete this one phrase he was famous for quoting. "Turn On, Tune In, _____ _____."
Answer: Drop Out
4. Who's the lead singer of Dr. Hook & the Medicine show?
Answer: Ray Sawyer
5. Name the Charles Dicken's novel that the band "Uriah Heap" got it's name came from.
Answer: David Copperfield
6. This has to do with the Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club. Who co-starred with the Bee Gees in that movie?
Answer: Peter Frampton

Top 20 countdown between 6pm-8pm today to catch the theme for the tri-pod word
Tri-pod word: Phantom Power

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Saturday, February 2nd

Word of the Day
11:20am: Giant

Whig Code: heath

Tragically Hip Weekend (enter song titles within 2 hours of hearing them for 500pts)
6am giftshop
7am theluxury
8am dontwakedaddy
9am neworleansissinking
10am thewherewithal
11am aheadbyacentury
12pm itcantbenashvilleeverynight
1pm heavenisabetterplacetoday
2pm arewefamily
3pm vaccinationscar
4pm summerskillingus
5pm ifneworleansisbeat
6pm gusthepolarbearfromcentralpark
7pm meanstreak
8pm youreeverywhere
9pm onenightincopenhagen
10pm goodnightjosephine
11pm asmakeshiftasweare

Friday, February 1, 2008

Friday, February 1st

Words of the Day
7:25am: Beer
12:20pm: Biggest
5:20pm: Lounging
8:20pm: Creek

Song of the Day: End of the Line

Tragically Hip Weekend (enter song titles within 2 hours of hearing them for 500pts)
4pm gracetoo
5pm twistmyarm
6pm fullycompletely
7pm courage
8pm scared
9pm blowathighdough
10pm nauticaldisaster