Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Tuesday, November 18th

Happy Birthday Helping1000!!

A special friend is a friend who shares
One who listens, one who cares
One who's quick to lend a hand
To cheer, to trust, to understand
In short it's someone just like you!!!

Words of the Day

7:25am: Mayor
12:20pm: Wrapper
5:20pm: Advantage
8:20pm: Rambling

Song of the Day: Bohemian Rhapsody


helping_Sis said...

Happy Birthday to my sister Helping!! You are the best sis ever!

Mr ABC said...

HAPPY Birthday!!!!!


I hope you have the best day.

Mr ABC said...

7:25 Word - Mayor

This was posted yesterday for a little while. The points seem to be counting both days.

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Helping1000

Sean said...

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you.... (OK,so I'll never be on Canadian Idol)

Sean said...

A bit off topic.

Just heard on the radio about the K-Rock "Naughty Word" contest. Apparently the word is available at any Rogers wireless office. You have to text the word to K-Rock and if you name is announced on Monday, and you call in, you win a Blackberry Flip and a 1 in 4 chance of winning $2000.

If anyone has the "Naughty Word", could you post it for all of us?


Lord_Stanley said...


Happy 18th Birthday, again! ;o)

Lord_Stanley said...

Naughty words? I've been sending them to K-Rock for a while, I never knew there was a contest though. :o)

Rosey said...

Happy Birthday Helping.

Hope you a great enjoyable day.


bettyboop said...

The 12:20 word is Wrapper

Sean said...

12:20 word - Wrapper

Pops said...

Happy B-day Helping may the forthcoming year bring you much happiness and good will.

Also thanks to you all for all the codes.


Angel said...

Song of the Day: Bohemian Rhapsody


Sean said...

Song of the day - Bohemian Rhapsody

Mr ABC said...

5:20 Word - Advantage

Angel said...

5:20 Word: Advantage

Helping1000 said...

Thank you to all who wished me a Happy Birthday! :)

Thank you for the Birthday cake! :)

maxxxx said...

8:20 word: rambling

puppylove said...