Thursday, November 13, 2008

Thursday, November 13th

Words of the Day
7:25am: Tomfoolery
12:20pm: Diversion
5:20pm: Geezer
8:20pm: Moot

Song of the Day: Bargain

In case you missed it........

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Mr ABC said...

7:25 Word - Tomfoolery

Good Morning everyone!

Freezing Rain on the way?

Sean said...

12:20 word - diversion

Sean said...

song of the day - Bargain

Mr ABC said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mr ABC said...

5:20 Word - Geezer

Mr ABC said...

Anybody know if there is an opening act for Bob Dylan

Mr ABC said...


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Rosey said...

8:20 word: moot