Saturday, August 23, 2008

Saturday, August 23rd

Word of the Day
11:20am: skills

Whig Code: school

Taste of Blues bonus code weekend
6am icantquityoubaby
7am tush
8am summertimeblues
9am prideandjoy
10am thathypnotizinboogie
11am ithinkiloveyoutoomuch
12pm bornunderabadsign
1pm onebourbononescotchonebeer
2pm roadhouseblues
3pm cheapsunglasses
4pm ventilatorblues
5pm runaround
6pm cocaine
7pm rockymountainway
8pm whenlovecomestotown
9pm chicksandcars
10pm thejack
11pm countryhonk


puppylove said...

a6:00 song icantquityoubaby

Good morning everyone

puppylove said...

7:00 song tush

puppylove said...

8:00 song summertimeblues

Lord_Stanley said...

Whig Ticket code- school

puppylove said...

9:00 song prideandjoy

Lord_Stanley said...

10:00 am song- thathypnotizinboogie

Lord_Stanley said...

G'day pups, you did an awesome job with the songs. :o) Thank you.

Lord_Stanley said...

11:00 am song- ithinkiloveyoutoomuch

Lord_Stanley said...

11:20 am word- skills

Lord_Stanley said...

12:00 pm song- bornunderabadsign

Lord_Stanley said...

1:00 pm song- onebourbononescotchonebeer

Lord_Stanley said...

2:00 pm song- roadhouseblues

Lord_Stanley said...

3:00 pm song- cheapsunglasses

Lord_Stanley said...

4:00 pm song- ventilatorblues

Lord_Stanley said...

5:00 pm song- runaround

Lord_Stanley said...

6:00 pm song- cocaine

Lord_Stanley said...

7:00 pm song- rockymountainway

puppylove said...

7:00 song rockymountainway

Lord_Stanley said...

8:00 pm song- whenlovecomestotown

Lord_Stanley said...

9:00 pm song- chicksandcars

Lord_Stanley said...

10:00 pm song- thejack

puppylove said...

I just wanted to say you are welcome, any time I can but it's you, helping & sis that deserve the thanks

Lord_Stanley said...

11:00 pm song- countryhonk

Lord_Stanley said...

Today was a day for cups and pups. :o)

tah2x said...

11pm song - countryhonk

tah2x said...

Man you guys (and gals) are so fast at posting. Thanks for your help again. I get a number of the words, but you post them way faster than I can. I wished it looked like I was helping out more. I hope you don't think I am just here grabbing up the extra points without helping. Your work is definately appreciated whether you know it or not. Keep it up and hopefully you will see me posting quicker! THANKS!!! :)