Friday, August 15, 2008

Friday, August 15th

Words of the Day
7:25am: Rare
12:20pm: Oars
5:20pm: Nimble
8:20pm: Pursue

Song of the Day: Castles Made of Sand

Rock Riffs bonus code weekend
4pm smokeonthewater
5pm backinblack
6pm purplehaze
7pm runninwiththedevil
8pm brownsugar
9pm blackdog
10pm underthebridge


Unknown said...

7:25 am word - Rare

Anonymous said...

12:20 word - Oars

Anonymous said...

Thats not your dog freddie I got the same wallpaper. sssheeesh

Anonymous said...

song of the day - Castles Made of Sand

Helping1000 said...

does it really matter one way or the other to you, i mean really.... pfffttt

Lord_Stanley said...

4:00 pm song- smokeonthewater

Lord_Stanley said...

5:00 pm song- backinblack

Lord_Stanley said...

5:20 pm word- nimble

Anonymous said...

I am laughing so hard here at anonymous! How do u know who's dog it is weirdo?? LMFAO

Lord_Stanley said...

Alright now, keep the "anonymous" revolutionary comments to a minimum, the next thing you know they'll have an "anonymous" war of words, then who do you blame? lol

Lord_Stanley said...

stop arguing with yourself and insulting yourself, it's too weird. lol

Lord_Stanley said...

6:00 pm song- purplehaze

Lord_Stanley said...

7:00 pm song- runninwiththedevil

maddog8665 said...

7 pm song runningwiththedevil

maddog8665 said...

sorry, no "g" on running. It's just runninwiththedevil. But I see LS beat me to the answer anyways so no harm no foul!!! :o)

helping_Sis said...

LOL... :)

Lord_Stanley said...

8:00 pm song- brownsugar

helping_Sis said...

8pm - brownsugar

maxxxx said...

8pm word: pursue

Unknown said...

@anonymous - That is a picture of my dog Chinook who recently passed away, I know I took it. If you have his picture as your wallpaper that is cool but you got it from my blog or flickr account.

Lord_Stanley said...

9:00 pm song- blackdog

maddog8665 said...

9pm song - blackdog

venom said...

whats the 10oclock song?

Angel said...

10pm song: underthebridge