Sunday, June 8, 2008

Sunday, June 8th

Word of the Day
11:20am: Monster

LIVE Weekend bonus codes!!
6am hardsun (says expired)
7am uponcripplecreek
8am blowathighdough
9am oldman
11am goodtimes
12pm stairwaytoheaven
1pm workingman
2pm conquistador
3pm withalittlehelpfrommyfriends
4pm soulsacrifice
5pm goinupthecountry
1st tri-pod song - tweeterandthemonkeyman
2nd tri-pod song - rockandrollallnite
3rd tri-pod song - babyiloveyourway
8pm backinblack
9pm fire
10pm heyyou
11pm patience (says invalid code)

Listen to Top 20 countdown between 6pm-8pm today to catch the theme for the tri-pod word. Each song is worth 500pts, the clues to figure out the word are as follows:

1st tri-pod song: "Tweeter And The Monkey Man" by The Traveling Wilburys
2nd tri-pod song: "Rock And Roll All Nite" by KISS
3rd tri-pod song: " Baby I Love Your Way" by Peter Frampton

Tri-pod word: live


Little Erky Perky said...

7 am song: Uponcripplecreek

Lord_Stanley said...

8:00 am song- blowathighdough

Little Erky Perky said...

8 am song: BlowAtHighDough

Anonymous said...

My question to you Lord stanley is as follows . . . . do you EVER sleep??? You get the last word of the night and the first of the day, Only 7 hours apart!?!?! Great for us, crappy for you.. I guess no one got the 6 am word however I'm sure you usually get that too.....THANKS AGAIN

Lord_Stanley said...

Sure, I sleep, and I missed the 6 am song, by the way, did anyone get that song? Thanks for asking. lol

Lord_Stanley said...

9:00 am song- oldman

rip52 said...

Good morning everyone

Anonymous said...

I tried the 5:50 songs 6:17 songs with no success. The one right before 6 said the code was expired.....

Anonymous said...

I know this isn't the right place to ask but I've look everywhere else online and can't find.. Does anyone know if the waterpark on the base is opened yet????

Lord_Stanley said...

Anyone have a clue of what the 10 am song was? Sounded like a goat singing.

Lord_Stanley said...


Lord_Stanley said...

Okay, well does anyone know who the band was?

Unknown said...

sorry missed it, had to step outside for awhile

Unknown said...

11:00 am song - goodtimes

Lord_Stanley said...

12:00 pm song- stairwaytoheaven

helping_Sis said...

For the 10am I thought it was "saintsoflosangeles" but this one was already played on the mullet bonus weekend.

helping_Sis said...

11:20 - Monster

Lord_Stanley said...

1:00 pm song- workingman

Little Erky Perky said...

1 pm song: WorkingMan

Lord_Stanley said...

2:00 pm song- conquistador

Little Erky Perky said...

3 pm song: was a live Joe Cocker song, not sure what it was.

Anonymous said...

Joe Cockers song was alittlehelpfrommyfriends butuse withalittlehelpfrommyfriends


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Oops, never mind

Anonymous said...

Santana, SoulSacrifice


Little Erky Perky said...

4 pm song: SoulSacrifice

Little Erky Perky said...

5 PM Song: GoingUpTheCountry

Lord_Stanley said...

5:00 pm song- goingupthecountry

Anonymous said...



Lord_Stanley said...


Lord_Stanley said...

6:00 pm song-1st Tri Pod- tweeterandthemonkeyman

Anonymous said...

tripod is live

Lord_Stanley said...

7:00 pm song-2nd Tri Pod- rockandrollallnite

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

RockAndRollAllNite is 500 points

Lord_Stanley said...

3rd Tri Pod- babyiloveyourway

Lord_Stanley said...

8:00 pm song- backinblack

Anonymous said...

8:00 - backinblack


Unknown said...

A big thank you to Lord Stanley and Anonymous for the codes. The power was knocked out for over 3 hours from the storm here, so I would have lost out on a lot of points.

Lord_Stanley said...

YW Freddie, nice to have you back.

Lord_Stanley said...

That 10 am song is bugging me, it sounded like stone temple pilots or matthew good. Oh well, we're almost done for this weekend, I'm not going to lose any sleep over it.

Lord_Stanley said...

9:00 pm song- fire

helping_Sis said...

Thank you to all for the codes today. I have been working at home so I haven't been able to listen as much as I wanted to, it would be way too distracting. ;)

Lord_Stanley said...

10:00 pm song- heyyou

Lord_Stanley said...

11:00 pm song- patience

Anonymous said...

patience does not work for me

Lord_Stanley said...

Looks like K-Rock made another spelling mistake, any ideas?

inukshuk71 said...

Hey guys. Here's a tip. If you "Listen Online", there is a dropdown list of all the songs that were played for the last ~12hours.

So if you don't know the 10am tune, just go there. Unfrotunately, it's been more than 12 hours.

Lord_Stanley said...

There's the same dropdown list on the K-Rock website, it still doesn't work properly, it tends to skip a lot of the weekend songs. The 10 am song wasn't there, neither was the 6 am and the 11pm, however, the 11pm song is Patience, they just spelled it wrong.