Friday, June 6, 2008

Friday, June 6th

Words of the Day
7:25am: Show
12:20pm: Reflect
5:20pm: Odds
8:20pm: Stellar

Song of the Day: Mr. Tambourine Man

LIVE Weekend bonus codes!!
4pm doyoufeellikewedo
5pm forthoseabouttorock
6pm lifeisahighway
7pm fullycompletely
8pm comfortablynumb
9pm theocean
10pm suicidesolution


Mr ABC said...

7:25 Word - Show

Lord_Stanley said...

12:20 pm word- reflect

Lord_Stanley said...

2:00 pm song- mr. tambourine man

Anonymous said...

Song of the day - Mr. Tambourine Man

Anonymous said...

@ lord_stanley

It's a tie!!

Lord_Stanley said...

Let's go into overtime! lol

Anonymous said...

@ lord_stanley

No way! I'm too tired to go for 3 OT periods. Let's just call it a draw and go for a drink :)

Anonymous said...

I know it was asked before, but does anyone know if the May mortgage draw was done? KRock usually posts the winner's name on the site and there is nothing there. I sent KRock an e-mail and haven't heard anything from them yet.

Lord_Stanley said...

@ old rock
A drink is cool, as long as it's cool.

I don't know if they chose anyone for the May mortgage, but it's the 6th of June and you'd figure if you won they'd have contacted you by now.

Lord_Stanley said...

4:00 pm song- doyoufeellikewedo

Little Erky Perky said...

4 PM Song: DoYouFeelLikeWeDo

Little Erky Perky said...

5 PM song: ForThoseAboutToRock
(We Salute You) said...

5:20 code/Word is: ODDS

This comes up as the 8:20 code but ia actually the 5:20 code

Little Erky Perky said...

6 PM Song: Lifeisahighway

Lord_Stanley said...

7:00 pm song- fullycompletely

Anonymous said...

well do anyone having problem with krock website?

i go away for few week and sit in the woods somewhere and i cant get my pionts....

living the life.....

Lord_Stanley said...

8:00 pm song- comfortablynumb

Lord_Stanley said...

8:20 pm word- stellar

Lord_Stanley said...

9:00 pm song- theocean

Lord_Stanley said...

10:00 pm song- suicidesolution