Sunday, March 23, 2008

Sunday, March 23rd

Word of the Day
11:20am: spectrum

Debut Album Weekend
6am jealousagain
7am mysharona
8am blitzkriegbop
9am runninwiththedevil
10am brassinpocket
11am takeiteasy
12pm astronomydomine
1pm 21stcenturyschizoidman
2pm forwhatitsworth
3pm crazyonyou
4pm dearmrfantasy
5pm awhitershadeofpale
6pm coldasice (First tri-pod song)
7pm tuesdaysgone (Second tri-pod song)
8pm thekidsarealright
9pm theweight
10pm thepusher
11pm onebourbononescotchonebeer (says already played)

Top 20 countdown between 6pm-8pm today to catch the theme for the tri-pod word (each song is worth 500pts)
1st song: Cold As Ice - Foreigner
2nd song: Tuesday's Gone - Lynyrd Skynyrd
3rd song: Twist and Shout - The Beatles

Tri-pod word: debut


Mr ABC said...

6:30 MySharona

7:30 BlitzkriegBop - not currently available

Mr ABC said...

5:30 Song - JealousAgain

It appears the've switched to Newfoundland

Mr ABC said...

The show is pretaped because he mentioned the Ramones song would have woken you up at 8:00 if you where not already awake.

I wonder if the whole Sunday show is pretaped. Wouldn't surprise me. As long as the music is good who cares.

I still stick with my theory the've switched to Newfoundland time!!!

Mr ABC said...

By the way Happy Easter everyone!!!

Mr ABC said...

K-Rock rewards Web site appears to be down

Mr ABC said...

8:20 word - RunninWithTheDevil

Mr ABC said...

9:00 Song - BrassInPocket or maybe BrassInPocketImSpecial.

I'm not sure which one as the site is still down?????

Mr ABC said...

House of Blues part 2, they're playing the same thing they did at about 8:20. Either that or I'm dreaming!!!

Helping1000 said...

morning mr abc
tks for the codes, it seems there are too many songs for the amount of blowout, hmmmm i am confused, that did not take much, i have:

6am jealousagain
7am mysharona
8am blitzkriegbop
9am runninwiththedevil

but you say the 9am song is: BrassInPocket

i dont know, there seems to be an extra song.. lol

Helping1000 said...

happy easter all :)

Mr ABC said...

Heck I'm not sure. But I'm pretty sure they said Brass in Pocker was one. Did it work? I still can't get in the site to key in the codes!!!

Mr ABC said...


Anonymous said...

Happy Easter all

all sites are still down for me

Mr ABC said...

Ohhh well its not just me. I was starting to get a

Mr ABC said...

What an exciting Easter morning. I'm waiting for someone to fix the hot water tank. It died yesterday. The old anytime between 8 and noon thing.

Mr ABC said...


I wonder if Brass in Pocket is the 10 Song. The programming this morning is all weird as they did House of Blues twice?????

We;ll find out soon.

Mr ABC said...


I think the Easter Bunny is the DJ this morning. He's not quite sure what he's

rip52 said...

good morning

helping_Sis said...

Good morning everybody and Happy Easter :)

helping_Sis said...

11am - takeiteasy

Mr ABC said...


Have you been able to key the codes in?

helping_Sis said...

word of the day: spectrum

rip52 said...

good morning Happy Easter i have not got into site yet

helping_Sis said...

Hi mr abc
The sites are not working for me either :(

Helping1000 said...

site is not up and running yet.... :(

Anonymous said...


i take it everyone is having a problem with the website too. I was able to get to krock site but not the one for gathering pionts though... i sent off an email to krock manger and music sidesnow under the contact us web page. however thats far i was able to go.....

Happy Easter to Everyone...

rip52 said...

I sent an e-mail too and got one back saying they were looking into it

Anonymous said...



thank for the info... i never did recieved an email from them yet.....

hope they fix it soon....

Helping1000 said...

12pm song: AstronomyDomine

rip52 said...

its back up again

Little Erky Perky said...

1 pm song: 21StCenturySchizoidMan (Incl. Mirrors)

Helping1000 said...

1pm song: 21StCenturySchizoidMan

Helping1000 said...

check erky mail :)

Anonymous said...

2pm song is

For What It's Worth

rip52 said...


Little Erky Perky said...

Is that -
2pm song is: ForWhatItsWorth

and 3 pm is: CrazyOnYou

Not sure what it is @Anon and Rip.

Anonymous said...

@perky 2pm song played at 152pm and 3pm song played at 248pm...

and "CrazyOnYou" did not worked until after 3pm...

Anonymous said...

hey baby give it to the traveling man........

Anonymous said...

lovin the music this weekend

rip52 said...

3:48 DearMrFantasy

Rosey said...

Happy Easter Everyone. What a great game last night!

Go Leafs and thanks Habs.


rip52 said...

@ Rosey very good game the Leafs still have a chance

rip52 said...

4:42 AWhiterShadeOfPale

Anonymous said...

5:45 PM Coldasice

Unknown said...

7:00 song - roxanne

Anonymous said...

i miss the frist tripod song... anyone know it

Unknown said...

the 7:00 PM song "Roxanne" doesn't work because it was used the &PM song on Friday

rip52 said...

6:11 "Tuesday's Gone" by Lynyrd Skynyrd

Unknown said...

tri-pod songs
1 coldasice
2 tuesdaysgone
3 twistandshout

Unknown said...

anyone get the tripod word

the only similarity I see is that they are all from the groups debut albums.

Unknown said...

8:00 song - TheKidsAreAlright

Anonymous said...

Does anybody know the common thing in the tri-pod songs

Anonymous said...

where do u enter the tri-pod word anyway?

rip52 said...

you put it in the bonus codes and does anyone know the answers or questions to the 6 songs in the afternoon

Anonymous said...

I think the tripod has something to do with spring is here

helping_Sis said...

I guess this is the 9pm song: theweight

Little Erky Perky said...

The Tri-pod code when figured out, is entered as a Bonus code.

Right now, I have no clue of what it is. I have too many codes going through my mind.

helping_Sis said...

10pm - thepusher

Unknown said...

10:00 song - ThePusher

Little Erky Perky said...

Okay, Sis's Bunny is kinda creepy and Derf Martian is freaking out this ever so cute BUG.

Little Erky Perky said...

I feel out of place here, but I'll live.

Anonymous said...

Tripod debut

helping_Sis said...


helping_Sis said...

I tried that, it didn't work for me but now it does.....thank you!!

Anonymous said...

Hey everyone, okay so what a day!
The site was down this morning due to a server crash in San Francisco… gotta love computers!
Yes we replayed half of the house of blues radio hour… I too blame the bunny who we brought in to run the board… by the time we noticed he was so high on chocolate eggs that he was over an hour early. Once we got that solved and pumped ten cups off coffee and a couple Rockstars into the furry bugger he said he was good to go for flash back… yeah lets just say he fell behind again… I blame the Easter grass! (Just because its grass doesn’t mean you can roll it). And to wrap up the day we just noticed that the Tri Pod was not programmed so if you have ready all this you have learned three things, yes I check the blog, yes I have received all your e-mail and the tri-pod answer is “Debut”.

helping_Sis said...

LOL....that is soooooo funny!!! Thanks so much for all your help!! :)

helping_Sis said...

I loooooooooove this station, you play awesome music!!!!

helping_Sis said...

11pm - onebourbononescotchonebeer

Little Erky Perky said...


Little Erky Perky said...


helping_Sis said...

11pm - says already played

Unknown said...

11:00 song - OneBourbonOneScotchOneBeer

helping_Sis said...

LOL!!!! You little bug you!!! hehehe

Unknown said...

that's twice today I got the "Sorry You've already played this Bonus Code before" and the tri-pod word debut didn't work erlier but works now

rip52 said...

not working for me neither

Anonymous said...

Stupid ass bunnies. Please try the 11pm song one more time. Good night.

helping_Sis said...

LOL....thanks so much!!! Have a good night! :)

rip52 said...

works now just had to wait for her to say it i guess
like to thank everyone for the codes

Little Erky Perky said...


Thanks for your help in the codes and waking up the Internet Bunny. I guess the Bunny didn't like you guys paying him/her in Carrots..