Monday, March 31, 2008

Monday, March 31st

Words of the Day
7:25am: Paid
12:20pm: Humour
5:20pm: Plan
8:20pm: Hoax

Song of the Day: Brown Sugar

*** Bonus Code: globetrotter ***
Use this code before Wednesday at Midnight and get 500 points!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Sunday, March 30th

Words of the Day
11:20am: Bear

Unplugged Weekend (bonus songs every hour for 500pts)
6am changeforme
7am takingmylifeaway
8am babycoolyourjets
9am highschool (says no longer available)
10am justlikeyou
11am dirtylittlesecret
12pm santamonica
1pm tragic
2pm mylittlesecret
3pm babyran
4pm lunaticfringe
5pm chilicoldblood
6pm sofarsogood (1st tri-pod song)
7pm moneyhoney (2nd tri-pod song)
8pm onlylonely (not working)
9pm lietome
10pm rocketman
11pm itsbeenawhile

Top 20 countdown between 6pm-8pm today to catch the theme for the tri-pod word (each song is worth 500pts) Enter song titles with no spaces.
1st song: So Far So Good - Thornley
2nd song: Money Honey - State Of Shock
3rd song: My Hero - Foo Fighters

Tri-pod word: unplugged

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Saturday, March 29th

Word of the Day
11:20am: van

Whig Code: lol

Unplugged Weekend (bonus songs every hour for 500pts)
6am watchintheriverflow
7am seerightthroughme
8am bornlosers
9am flaweddesign
10am lifeisahighway
11am tiredofwaiting
12pm layla
1pm idareyou
2pm bridgetonowhere
3pm giveupandgoaway
4pm illkeepyourmemoryvague
5pm ialone
6pm falltopieces
7pm interstatelovesong
8pm beastofburden
9pm getthroughthis
10pm lightsandsounds
11pm would

Friday, March 28, 2008

Friday, March 28th

Words of the Day
7:25am: Cabinets
12:20pm: Quiz
5:20pm: Wild
8:20pm: Hint

Song of the Day: Pinball Wizard

Unplugged Weekend (bonus songs every hour for 500pts)
4pm oldman
5pm themanwhosoldtheworld
6pm plush
7pm originalfire
8pm whosgotit
9pm drive
10pm fakeplastictrees

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Thursday, March 27th

Words of the Day
7:25am: Home
12:20pm: Greats
5:20pm: Clue
8:20pm: Clue

Song of the Day: AM RADIO

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Wednesday, March 26th

Words of the Day
7:25am: Plum
12:20pm: Element
5:20pm: Large
8:20pm: Open

Song of the Day: Hey Hey What Can I Do

New Event
Penny Power for Easter Seals (250pts)

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Tuesday, March 25th

Words of the Day
7:25am: Energy
12:20pm: Fanatic
5:20pm: Invent
8:20pm: Spaces

Song of the Day: I Wanna Rock

Monday, March 24, 2008

Monday, March 24th

Words of the Day
7:25am: Renewable
12:20pm: Favorite
5:20pm: Deal
8:20pm: Interactive

Song of the Day: Like a Rolling Stone

*** Bonus Code: BUNNY ***
Use this code before Wednesday at Midnight and get 500 points!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Sunday, March 23rd

Word of the Day
11:20am: spectrum

Debut Album Weekend
6am jealousagain
7am mysharona
8am blitzkriegbop
9am runninwiththedevil
10am brassinpocket
11am takeiteasy
12pm astronomydomine
1pm 21stcenturyschizoidman
2pm forwhatitsworth
3pm crazyonyou
4pm dearmrfantasy
5pm awhitershadeofpale
6pm coldasice (First tri-pod song)
7pm tuesdaysgone (Second tri-pod song)
8pm thekidsarealright
9pm theweight
10pm thepusher
11pm onebourbononescotchonebeer (says already played)

Top 20 countdown between 6pm-8pm today to catch the theme for the tri-pod word (each song is worth 500pts)
1st song: Cold As Ice - Foreigner
2nd song: Tuesday's Gone - Lynyrd Skynyrd
3rd song: Twist and Shout - The Beatles

Tri-pod word: debut

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Saturday, March 22nd

Word of the Day
11:20am: gourmet

Whig Code: curse

Debut Album Weekend
6am iwillfollow
7am americangirl
8am mrtambourineman
9am thewizard
10am ifeelfree
11am dreamon
12pm maryhadalittlelamb
1pm deuce
2pm suzieq
3pm lightmyfire
4pm foxylady
5pm evilways
6pm blindedbythelight
7pm fightforyourright
8pm evenflow
9pm dazedandconfused
10pm thefourhorsemen
11pm headlikeahole

Friday, March 21, 2008

Friday, March 21st

Words of the Day
7:25am: Good
12:20pm: Friday
5:20pm: Rest
8:20pm: Easter

Song of the Day: Breakfast in America

Debut Album Weekend
6am aftermidnight
7am theseeyes
8am angeleyes
9am blowathighdough
10am hush
11am saveme
12pm workingman
1pm mrcabdriver
2pm badcompany
3pm naveed
4pm foreplaylongtime
5pm sultansofswing
6pm welcometothejungle
7pm roxanne
8pm feelinalright
9pm godsavethequeen
10pm justwhatineeded
11pm rainwillfall

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Thursday, March 20th

Words of the Day
7:25am: Easter
12:20pm: Egg
5:20pm: Bunny
8:20pm: Spring

Song of the Day: Manic Depression

Debut Album Weekend
4pm - crazytrain
5pm - layla
6pm - toofastforlove
7pm - bigme
8pm - underthelighthouse
9pm - plush
10pm - aboutagirl
11pm - stranglehold

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Wednesday, March 19th

Words of the Day
7:25am: Silence
12:20pm: Grace
5:20pm: Patience
8:20pm: Echoes

Song of the Day: Life in the Fast Lane

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Tuesday, March 18th

Words of the Day
7:25am: Renovation
12:20pm: Over
5:20pm: Ale
8:20pm: Hunt

Song of the Day: It's Not Enough

Your Opinion
Head to Head in the Hood - Week of March 17th (250pts)

Monday, March 17, 2008

Monday, March 17th

Words of the Day
7:25am: Leprechaun
12:20pm: Celtic
5:20pm: Shamrock
8:20pm: Green

Song of the Day: Blackbird

New survey
Head to Head in the Hood - Week of March 17th (0pts)

*** Bonus Code: Clover ***
Use this code before Wednesday at Midnight and get 1000 points!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Sunday, March 16th

Word of the Day
11:20am: Share

U2 Winning Weekend:
6am whosgonnarideyourwildhorses
7am elevation
8am sundaybloodysunday
10am beautifulday
11am newyearsday
12pm mysteriousways
1pm one
2pm withorwithoutyou
3pm iwillfollow
4pm pride
5pm bad
6pm desire (First tri-pod song)
7pm crumbsfromyourtable (Third tri-pod song)
8pm evenbetterthantherealthing
9pm untiltheendoftheworld
10pm yahweh
11pm originalofthespecies

Top 20 countdown between 6pm-8pm today to catch the theme for the tri-pod word (Tri-pod songs worth 500pts each)
First tri-pod song: desire
Second tri-pod song: instantkarma
Third tri-pod song: crumbsfromyourtable

Tri-pod word: U2

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Saturday, March 15th

Word of the Day

11:20am: remote

Whig code: record

U2 Winning Weekend:
6am istillhaventfoundwhatimlookingfor
7am vertigo
8am please
9am cityofblindinglights
10am twoheartsbeatasone
11am amanandawoman
12pm electricalstorm
1pm allbecauseofyou
2pm thesaintsarecoming
3pm windowintheskies
4pm angelofharlem
5pm stuckinamomentyoucantgetoutof
6pm holdmethrillmekissmekillme
7pm sgtpepperslonelyheartsclubband
8pm theunforgettablefire
9pm walkon
10pm sometimesyoucantmakeitonyourown
11pm miracledrug

Friday, March 14, 2008

Friday, March 14th

Words of the Day
7:25am: Tides
12:20pm: Error
5:20pm: Crew
8:20pm: Legends

Song of the Day: Ice Cream Man

U2 Winning Weekend:
4pm wherethestreetshavenoname
5pm ingodscountry
6pm sweetestthing
7pm bulletthebluesky
8pm loveandpeaceorelse
9pm onestepcloser
10pm kite

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Thursday, March 13th

Words of the Day
7:25am: Block
12:20pm: Bench
5:20pm: Melting
8:20pm: Hardcore

Song of the Day: Get off of my Cloud

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Wednesday, March 12th

Words of the Day
7:25am: Whistle
5:20pm: Beam
8:20pm: Bold

Song of the Day: The Ballad of John and Yoko

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Tuesday, March 11th

Words of the Day
7:25am: Switch
12:20pm: Peek
5:20pm: Stare
8:20pm: Fuzzy

Song of the Day: The Chain

*** Bonus Code: Snow ***
Use this code before Wednesday at Midnight and get 500 points!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Monday, March 10th

Words of the Day
7:25am: Chill
12:20pm: Loop
5:20pm: Front
8:20pm: Bumpy

Song of the Day: Back in Black

*** Bonus Code: Snow ***
Use this code before Wednesday at Midnight and get 500 points!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Sunday, March 9th

Word of the Day
11:20pm: blank

Bonus code weekend:
6am hardtohandle
7am alabamasong(whiskeybar)
8am babeimgonnaleaveyou
9am americanwoman
10am knockinonheavensdoor
11am feelinalright
12pm allalongthewatchtower
1pm blackmagicwoman
2pm crossroads
3pm meandbobbymcgee
4pm mrtambourineman
5pm somebodytolove
6pm ohprettywoman
7pm ishotthesheriff
8pm goodtimesbadtimes
9pm letitride
10pm themanwhosoldtheworld
11pm billiejean

Top 20 countdown between 6pm-8pm today to catch the theme for the tri-pod word
Tri-pod word: covers

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Saturday, March 8th

Word of the Day
11:20am: World

Whig Code: jeffhealey

Bonus code weekend:
6am whilemyguitargentlyweeps
7am woodstock
8am moveitonover
9am backdoorman
10am chinagirl
11am dancinginthestreet
12pm cumonfeelthenoize
1pm signs
2pm youshookme
3pm voodoochild(slightreturn)
4pm turnthepage
5pm ifoughtthelaw
6pm smokinintheboysroom
7pm onebourbononescotchonebeer
8pm withalittlehelpfrommyfriends
9pm hurt
10pm cocaine
11pm cometogether

Friday, March 7, 2008

Friday, March 7th

Words of the Day
7:25am: Bike
12:20pm: Draw
5:20pm: Davidson
8:20pm: Covers

Song of the Day: Orange Crush

Bonus code weekend:
4pm heyjoe
5pm californiagirls
6pm higherground
7pm liveandletdie
8pm lastkiss
9pm revolution
10pm summertimeblues

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Thursday, March 6th

Words of the Day
7:25am: Brand
12:20pm: New
5:20pm: Stakes
8:20pm: Under

Song of the Day: The Weight

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Wednesday, March 5th

Words of the Day
7:25am: Econline
12:20pm: Crush
5:20pm: High
8:20pm: Pitch

Song of the Day: Bark At The Moon

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Tuesday, March 4th

Words of the Day
7:25am: School
12:20pm: Dirty
5:20pm: Rolling
8:20pm: Pickle

Song of the Day: Crossfire

Monday, March 3, 2008

Monday, March 3rd


Guitarist, singer and Etobicoke native Jeff Healey played classic blues with his signature guitar-on-lap style and gained many fans during his career. He died Sunday due to complications from his ongoing battle with cancer.

Words of the Day
7:25am: Lamb
12:20pm: Lion
5:20pm: Video
8:20pm: Fever

Song of the Day: Can't find my way home

New Event
The Toronto Sportsmen's Show (100pts)

*** Bonus Code: Healey ***
Use this code before Wednesday at Midnight and get 500 points

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Sunday, March 2nd

Word of the Day
11:20am: Show

Cowbell Weekend (pick up 500 points every hour)
6am loveremovalmachine
7am bedsareburning
8am onceinalifetime
9am gameswithoutfrontiers
10am prettyfly
11am inthemood
12pm spinningwheel
1pm oyecomova
2pm evilwoman
3pm inagaddadavida
4pm frankenstein
5pm crosseyedmary
6pm hairofthedog
7pm shakeme
8pm heatofthemoment
9pm purplehaze
10pm atouchofgrey

Listen today between 12:00pm-6:00pm for flashback questions and guess the answers. (6 of them)

Flashback Questions:

(Answers are worth 500pts each)
1. Spinning Wheel by Blood Sweat and Tears, the lead singer David Clayton Thomas spent some time in local kingston institution:choose one of the three listed....
queens university, rmc or collins bay
Answer: Collins Bay
2. Oye Coma Va by Santana, written by a great latin musician, who was this?
Answer: Tito Puente
3. The Manager of ELO - Don Arden who is the father of what famous rocker's wife and she is famous right now she is really popular right now?
clue name starts with an "s" and it they are not canadian british actually
Answer: Sharon Osbourne
4. Name the last song of side A, on the album "In A Gadda Da Vida", "In A Gadda Da Vida" was on side B
Answer: Are You Happy
5. Kentucky Woman was originally written by _____?
Answer: Neil Diamond
6. Name the lead singer and flutist of Jethro Tull.
Answer: Ian Anderson

Top 20 countdown between 6pm-8pm today to catch the theme for the tri-pod word
Tri-pod word:

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Saturday, March 1st

Word of the Day
11:20pm: Cowbell

Whig Code: Pot-Holes

Cowbell Weekend (pick up 500 points every hour)
6am brassinpocket
7am badmedicine
8am heyyou
9am honkytonkwoman
10am lifesbeengood
11am walkthisway
12pm shortskirtlongjacket
1pm photograph
2pm mysharona
3pm downonthecorner
4pm thelogicalsong
5pm stuckinthemiddlewithyou
6pm aharddaysnight
7pm holywater
8pm drfeelgood
9pm mrbrownstone
10pm werenotgoingtotakeit
11pm spoonman